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To the US Anti War Movement

The Iraqis and Palestinians are looking at the upcoming demonstration in September 24 th2005 , with hope that the American Anti War Movement would be able to unify its forces to help end the US-Zionist aggression once and for all. The movement must keep in mind that the Iraqi and the Palestinian struggle is one and the same, it is directed against the foreign invaders, against US Imperialism and its strategic ally, the Zionist movement. This is an essential task and must be included in the program of all Anti War Movements and International Peace Organizations...


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To the US Anti War Movement

Ibrahim Ebeid

August 7, 2005

The Iraqis and Palestinians are looking at the upcoming demonstration in September 24 th2005 , with hope that the American Anti War Movement would be able to unify its forces to help end the US-Zionist aggression once and for all.

The movement must keep in mind that the Iraqi and the Palestinian struggle is one and the same, it is directed against the foreign invaders, against US Imperialism and its strategic ally, the Zionist movement. This is an essential task and must be included in the program of all Anti War Movements and International Peace Organizations.

You must bear in mind that not the Iraqi or the Palestinian people alone are suffering from this illegal racist war launched against the Arab nation in Palestine and Iraq. You are suffering a great deal too and you are victimized by this unprecedented Administration. Your children, especially the unprivileged ones, are herded to Iraq to kill innocent people and get killed for the blind ambitions of Bush and Dick Cheney. President Bush lied to you and lied to the World about the War in Iraq. He claimed that the war was to seek and destroy the weapons of mass destruction, but there were none in the possession of Iraq. The weapons were in the hands of President Bush and his allies that they used in this ongoing aggression. His allies, including "Israel", also have large amount of various weapons of mass destruction that must not be tolerated or ignored.

Then the tune of the war was changed to get rid of the legal government of Iraq. Getting rid of the leadership they did, but they replaced it with an illegal, reactionary, non Iraqi sectarian "government" headed by Zalmay Khalilzad, of Afghan origin stationed in the Green Zone, in a small portion of Baghdad, in the Iraqi Presidential Palace, What a shame!!!!.

Then Bush and his friends came with a brand new lie that the war was launched to import democracy, American style, but terror, poverty and horror were imposed on Iraq and its people and mass graves were created by the weapons of Bush and the bullets he imports from the Zionist entity.

The latest lie was that the war was to eliminate the ideology of hatred? What ideology the President mean? In Iraq there was no ideology of hate. The Iraqis and Palestinians have done nothing wrong, they have not caused any harm to the United States; on the contrary they were victimized. They did not attack the US with weapons of any kind, but he did and he is still doing it.

The Ideology of Iraq under its legal leadership was a progressive one with humanitarian scope and aims. It considers all Arabs as one nation and that the Arab Homeland must be reunited. Freedom and Socialism are an integrated part of the struggle of the Arab masses to reunite their homeland. We have written many articles about this subject and we will continue to write in Al-Moharer http://www.al-moharer.net. This progressive ideology was one of the reasons that prompted the Western Imperialism to create the Zionist entity in Palestine in order to prevent the Arab Nation from being reunited, independent and free again.

The war on the Arab Nation and especially against Iraq and Palestine was indeed a war against the Arab Ideology, which represents the hopes and aspiration of the Arab masses for Unity, Freedom and Social economical justice. Bush was not happy with Iraq and its leadership; he wanted to eliminate such leadership and what it stands for. He wanted to dominate the Arab World and control its wealth. He destroyed the Iraqi region and created chaos and fear in the entire world. Both Bushes eliminated the progress and prosperity that Iraq enjoyed before the war that they started in1991 .

The Iraqi leadership was aware of the US Imperialist- Zionist plot, and was determined to fight the invaders and their allies whether domestic or foreign. The plan was drawn before the invasion and now it is being wisely implemented.

The Iraqi Resistance would not accept any negotiations according to the statements that were issued by the Resistance and the Baath Party. http://www.al-moharer.net/qiwa_shabiya/baath_statements-e.ht
The Resistance made it very clear that the Iraqis will keep fighting until all the Iraqi territories are liberated and the invaders and those who came with them are expelled. The Iraqis must be fully compensated for all the losses and suffering they endured from the war that started in 1991 until the present time.

The Iraqi National Resistance that is led and directed by the Regional Leadership of the Arab Baath Socialist Party is the sovereign one. It is in charge of the struggle and trusted by the Iraqi people. It is the sole representative of the Iraqi People and Saddam Hussein is the Legal President of Iraq according to the many statements issued by the Resistance and the Baath Party.

Many Americans put the blame on Bush for the war. They want to impeach and replace him with another, but would the US succeed with another president to lead on the same path of the previous administrations? Or would it need a radical change in attitude and abandon the arrogance and free itself from the chains of its creation? It is about time that the United States follows a humanitarian ideology in which it looks at the World as equal and not as subordinate. Our hope in the Anti War Movement is great. We believe that the movement is able and capable to carry the mission and achieve the best for America and the World.

Ibrahim Ebeid co-editor@al-moharer.net

:: Article nr. 14427 sent on 07-aug-2005 23:29 ECT


Link: www.al-moharer.net/mohhtm/i_ebeid226.htm

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