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The Coming 9/11 for Dummies.

...Let us take a cue from the polls cited at the beginning. A whopping 84 % of respondents approved the President’s job handling immediately post 9/11/2001, with only 11 % disapproving. If the President’s job handling approval ratings have to go back up to that level, a similar event must take place. That is a no-brainer. One cannot be 'date certain’ but another 9/11 seems to be the only option. It is as simple as that. There is one exception though. This coming 9/11 has to be bloodier, more spectacular and more devastating than the earlier 9/11...


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The Coming 9/11 for Dummies.

Anwaar Hussain, Fountainhead

August 7, 2005

The Coming 9/11 for Dummies.

By Anwaar Hussain

​ ​​​​Various polls have been conducted since 2001 to ascertain the job approval ratings of President George W. Bush. These polls were conducted by leading media giants and other respectable institutions. The names of these organizations are CBS News, Zogby International, Gallup Poll, CNN/USA Today, Fox News, Quinnipic University, PEW Research Center and Associated Press/IPSOS. These results can be reached here.

The respondents were asked the same question since 2001 through to 2005. The question was;

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"

When averaged out, only 11 % disapproved the President’s job handling immediately post-9/11/2001. Almost 50 % disapprove today--an alarming increase of about four and a half times the 2001 count.

The conclusion of the polls is only one i.e. the disapproval rating of the US President’s job handling is on a shocking rise.

What exactly has been President George W. Bush’s job? Simply put, to push the agenda of his sponsors who would like this century to belong to United States of America in the shape of an Empire with all challenges to it obliterated forcefully—a fact not many Americans were aware of in the year 2001. So in other words the increasing disapproval of the way George W. Bush is handling his Presidential duties is also a direct disapproval of his sponsor’s agenda, of which the Americans are now becoming ever more aware.

Now something has to be done to check the distressing trend because very regrettably for the sponsors of George W. Bush, this is happening at an extremely inopportune time for a few awfully simple reasons.

To begin with, the new American Century agenda is just in its launch phase and can be aborted only at great peril to its authors, the neocons, who are also the sponsors of George W. Bush. Secondly, the lead actors in this drama have already crossed the point of no return on this trajectory. It is all the way from now onwards. There is no retreat. Period. So many lies have been told, so many heinous crimes already committed that the choice for the cabal is frighteningly clear. They stick with the plan on the outside chance of becoming American idols or abort it and face definite prospects of having criminal proceedings initiated against them. In other words they have the choice of either becoming heroes or zeros.

Philip Giraldi, a former intelligence officer in the CIA (and DIA), writes in the American Conservative , "In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran. The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States."

According to Philip Giraldi, "the United States is developing a plan for the bombing of supposed military targets in Iran, which would include the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The US strike would take place after a 9/11-type terrorist attack on the US. However, the US attack would not depend on Iran actually being involved in the terrorism. In short, the planned attack on Iran would be analogous to the unprovoked attack on Iraq."

Furthermore, the effects of the old 9/11 seem to be waning on the American public because of the relentless onslaught of the alternative media. The London bombings too have not been allowed to have the desired effect of boosting the flagging public support in Britain and United States towards the Empire building exercise. The gallant efforts of the substitute media made sure that the cock and bull stories are finally seen for what these are.

One thing is absolutely clear. The American people have to be brought back on board before the launch of the next phase of the Empire building plan. The next phase has been spelled out clearly by the same people who underwrote phase-1. The Project for New American Century is the alma mater of George W. Bush’s sponsors and the womb of the New American Century idea. Its Executive Director himself outlines the future plan in as many words ;

"…….lest we forget, one reason the Bush administration promulgated the possibility of military preemption in its strategic doctrine was the fact that, in this day and age, one could not count on timely warning of when states or terrorist groups might be on the verge of obtaining a devastating capability that puts America and its allies in serious danger. With denial and deception capabilities in our adversaries growing, and the seeming holes in U.S. intelligence’s collection capabilities, senior policymakers will rarely, if ever, be able to count on getting "date certains" to guide key decisions. All of which returns us to the fact that we have to keep an eye on the bigger picture: What kind of regime is Iran? What is the history we do know of its clandestine nuclear program? What are its avowed aims towarda the U.S. and our allies? Why is it developing a ballistic missile warhead capable of delivering a nuclear weapon? And, last, what remains of its ties to and support for terrorists?

None of this means that the U.S. should be planning an attack tomorrow. There are numerous practical problems we would confront in carrying out that decision, even if that were in theory the right one to make. But it does mean that we have no reason to relax, nor can we postpone difficult decisions indefinitely."

Please note that the esteemed Executive Director does not promote an attack on Iran tomorrow. He does not, however, rule out the day after tomorrow either. He also does not want the powers that be to 'relax’ and 'postpone difficult decisions indefinitely’.

Thus between tomorrow when he does not advocate the attack on Iran and the day after that he does not rule it out, the American public has to be brought back onboard to go along with the admittedly 'difficult decisions’ that cannot be 'postponed indefinitely’.

So what can be done to check the rising trend of disapproval of the President’s Job handling rating in the meanwhile? To answer this question, let us first see what were the most apparent reasons for the high approval ratings of the year 2001? These were;

1. The event of 9/11/2001.
2. A tidal wave of national and international sympathy post-9/11/2001.

Let us take a cue from the polls cited at the beginning. A whopping 84 % of respondents approved the President’s job handling immediately post 9/11/2001, with only 11 % disapproving. If the President’s job handling approval ratings have to go back up to that level, a similar event must take place. That is a no-brainer.

One cannot be 'date certain’ but another 9/11 seems to be the only option. It is as simple as that. There is one exception though. This coming 9/11 has to be bloodier, more spectacular and more devastating than the earlier 9/11. For not only the emerging doubts in the American public’s mind have to be erased but the approval ratings too have to be brought back to the post original 9/11 time for the next phase of Empire building exercise to take off--a double task.

Any ideas that come to mind for the weapon of choice? Any one?

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain

:: Article nr. 14465 sent on 09-aug-2005 07:55 ECT


Link: malakandsky.blogspot.com/2005/08/coming-911-for-dummies.html

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