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Who bombed the shrines?.

Take a good look at the picture above because I will tell you what I see. I see a damaged dome caused by an explosion set very professionally that the two minarets from the both sides weren’t effected by the explosion. Not even one single "gold plate" fall down from the minarets while the explosion was so heavy that caused the collapse of the dome. Tell me, Is this work of few terrorists who wants to finish the job as fast as possible? The one who did this, entered the mosque comfortably carrying explosions, he had all the time to study the construction of the building and find the perfect angles to set the explosions in a way that only the dome will be destroyed. This is a professional, controlled demolition and the bombs set by demolition experts...


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Who bombed the shrines?.

Baghdad Dweller


February 24, 2006

The perfect controlled demolition.

Take a good look at the picture above because I will tell you what I see.

I see a damaged dome caused by an explosion set very professionally that the two minarets from the both sides weren’t effected by the explosion.

Not even one single "gold plate" fall down from the minarets while the explosion was so heavy that caused the collapse of the dome.

Tell me, Is this work of few terrorists who wants to finish the job as fast as possible?

The one who did this, entered the mosque comfortably carrying explosions, he had all the time to study the construction of the building and find the perfect angles to set the explosions in a way that only the dome will be destroyed.

This is a professional, controlled demolition and the bombs set by demolition experts.

Attwar, the TV Anchor

Now, let’s talk about the death of the three Iraqi journalists.

TV anchor Attwar, age 26 years is a significant young woman born in Samarra, moved to Baghdad just 3-4 years ago,  Attwar worked for Al-Jazeera first and then she moved to Al-Arbyia.

I am not writing Attwar’s autobiography here but this has connection to the events, Attwar (I think you are smart enough to know  that she is a Sunni) was well-known of her support for the Iraqi cause and blaming the occupation for the mess in Iraq.

One ex-Abu Ghraib prisoner tells this story about Attwar:

When I came out through the gates of Abu-Ghraib there was TV team waiting outside asked me for an interview, I said yes, then came TV anchor Attwar and asked "How do you fell no…. "she couldn’t finish her question because she burst in tears when she saw how do I look like, bare feet, torn clothes….

This is an example of Attwar mentality. 

What the media didn’t told on Attwar’s death is this:

Attwar and her other two colleagues found dead but the TV team was four members, bad news four the US but one of the team survived the assassination to tell this:

Attwar being born in Samarra, her relatives and friends are still there, she managed to interview eyewitnesses on the explosion and people live in the area around the mosque.

Notice, they found the TV-team’s bodies later but didn’t found the documentary she made,

Who benefit from killing Atwwar, Sunnis? She is a Sunni. Resistance? She sympathise with the resistance. Shiite riot? Samarra is dominated by Sunnis.

The answer is simple, Attwar killed because she knew "too much".

Zalamy Khalilzad weird message.

Sunni Clerical Association of Muslim Scholars, issued a 4 points  condemnation letter to the bombing of shrine in Samara, You can see a picture of the letter here (Arabic), I don’t want go translating the whole letter but point 2 in the letter is a very important point.

It says the following:

We were suspicious when the US ambassador in Iraq (Zalamy Khalil) said: "A sectarian government who run their own ethnical militias to be incharge of the security (in Iraq) will not be acceptable",  such announcement should be addressed in secret meetings and not through "Satellite TV channels", such public announcement will rally and moblize the shiia supporters of the "list 555" (Shiite alliance party).

SCAS are right, Zalamy Khalilzad announcement in public was meant to hit two birds in one stone, first an advertisement to the world that the US wants a united Iraq (for the public consumption only), second and the mean reason is he wanted to remind the Iraq alliances Shiites that they still under the US control.

Worth to notice that all news agancies wrote Khalilzad announcment as: During a rare news conference, Khalilzad….example

Shiite alliances didn’t understand the seriousness of Zalamy Khalil and they condemned "Khalilzad" announcement (Hakim, Jaffri..etc), several times they repeated that Iraq can make it’s own decisions and we don’t want an interfering in Iraqi matters from any external power, one Iraqi official said:

"Zalmay Khalil went too far with his demands"

Was the mosque explosion a continuation in the US and Shiite "dialog" but this time the US uses a "harsher language"?.

By the way today the so called Al-Qaeda in Iraq condemned the bombing, Baath party condemned the bombing and many fractions of Iraqi resistance condemned it also.

:: Article nr. 20950 sent on 24-feb-2006 18:51 ECT


Link: www.roadstoiraq.com/?p=726

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