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Rafidan-The Political Committee The Mujahideen Central Command (MCC): Release No. 15 ,Title: Bush Rots in Abu Graib

...The ignorant, the greedy, those who rejoice at the misfortune of others, the cowards, and the traitors would accept to negotiate!! The True Iraqi believers, the true sons of the two rivers, will carry on and fight till they retrieve what is rightfully theirs and take their revenge!! Today Bush, is on the stages of his performances, he blabs and trembles in weakness, even the Hollywood actors will feel sorry for him. For he was misguided, and is now isolated from his generals and half his people. He is on his way to the pit. Why should we now negotiate when he is most probably reading a book by the title of "How to escape in 7 days without a teacher!"...


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Rafidan-The Political Committee The Mujahideen Central Command (MCC): Release No. 15 ,Title: Bush Rots in Abu Graib



The Political Committee
Mujahideen Central Command (MCC)
Baghdad The Republic of Iraq

In the Name of God most Gracious most Merciful

Release No. 15

Title: Bush Rots in Abu Graib

Peace and Grace of God

God has given us his strength, to free our nation from American fascism and the Zionists of Occupied Palestine and Kuwait, (comparing the Oil Sheiks with financially powerful Zionist Jews) To rid our nations of the Persians in Iraq (The Baramika, Persians who spoke and lived Arabic during the reign of the Abbasids Empire and were trying to implement Persian Agenda in Iraq, until they were filtered out by The khalifa Haroon Al Rasheed)

For this we thank God almighty!

Yes, Today Bush Rots in Abu Graib, begging you to negotiate, after you have fought him for two years, and have revealed his true face and have stripped him nude of his political and economic aims. You have revealed him clear to the world the war criminal he is!

The Gangs of the Puppet government have now realized that negotiating with you, is on the occupier's agenda, after calculating his true losses. & blair may withdraw part of his troops in December.

To rectify his position, Bush is now trying the Zionist Oslo approach. And that is, to find a party which claims to represent the resistance, and then hand them in return millions in funds and then have them enjoy the fancy news coverage, which we all know who they work for in the end of the day, then would have the negotiations drag on for say, 20 years, till the resistance is overcome and it's people grow old and weary.

What do we have of the table of negotiations?

And most importantly, what are we to negotiate about?

We Have: A great People, the Land, the Religion, the Resources, the Brains, & the Men, and we will prevail, and be victorious over the occupiers, with no doubt!

What does Bush Want?: Our Surrender, and a big yes to his Constitution and an unchallenged acceptance by all, to the theft of our resources, and the control of the Zionists along with the Kurdish and Persian gangs, and finally a nation which he can use as a platform to attack other Muslim nations, just as Kuwait has become!

Remember, Sons of the Two Rivers!

When Balfour implemented his promise to the Zionists, they gathered all the Jewish gangsters, and killed and threw out all the people of Palestine, & after all that, they sat for 10 years negotiating about Jerusalem, the land, the water, the agriculture, the sea, & the west bank for the Jews. And the negotiations leader at the time (Arafat) was not mistaken when he said, we have accepted to negotiate with them, and so we have either signed for success or a disaster to the Palestinian struggle!!!

Concentrate on how the Palestinian resistance made this grave mistake! For how can you expect anything from those who are extended arms of Ariel Sharon , or Ben Gorion ? The result was that the Palestinian resistance was lost in their superiors resistance, of Resorts, Hotels, Spas, & Sharm Sheikhs!

Let Us ask this Bush today on the table, On the table???

- We had a nation, which you have destroyed, and an army, which you have left out on the streets, and resources to life which you have strained, will you give us back our country, army and weapons?

- You and your Father, dropped on us every kind of weapon in your arsenal, and a million depleted uranium shells, poisoned the land of god to kill our children for a million years, will you clean our land for us? And will you cure your106 , 000soldiers who have the Desert storm syndrome?

- You and your Father, killed over one million Iraqis in the Sanctions since 1991 and200 , 000innocents in your occupation, will you bring them to life again?

- You have destroyed mosques, killed the praying, the religious men, destroyed the churches, desecrated the holy places, torn the holy books, do you know of a way which may erase all these crimes? For you do not even have a religion?
( meaning not even true Christian by any standard)

- You have destroyed our national projects & industry, our refineries, the sources of our survival and well being, that cost us billions of dollars to construct. Will you revive them?

- You have stolen our oil for two years, will you return the amounts?

- You stole over 20 billion dollars from our banks will you give them back?

- You have collaborated with Iran which gave you the religious gangs which destroyed our nation, killed and stole what was left with our people, will you hand them over to us so we can punish them?

- You have sent those who stole 20 thousand pieces of artifacts of our history, our memory, will you return them unharmed?

- Destroyed Universities, Burned libraries, killed scientists, will you rebuild all of it and give life to the scientists and books?

- You have assembled pyramids of our nude prisoners and sons, will you agree that we do the same to your officers and have them also nude and without their insignia?

- You have let loose you coward dogs, to rape what woman prisoners you have, would you like us to do the same to your women in uniform?

- You have sent our people rotten, expired, and unfit food for human consumption, wheat with powdered steel, to eradicate our people slowly and gradually, would you accept to buy from us this food and sell it to poison your own people?

- Women you have widowed, children you have orphaned, Men you have buried, resources you have dried up, water you have infected, the electric current you have cut on our people. And every dirty trick in the book you have utilized to kill us, will you after all of this, ask the Security Council to consider putting you on trial for war crimes?

Fellow Resistors,

(Let us simplify this even more)

You and your family are in your house and land, thieves attack you and occupy your house, kill your brother, imprison your father, kidnap you son or daughter, rape your sister, steal your wealth, sell your water, live in your house, tie your hands and throw you starving in a dark room, put their boots on your head every now and then in front of your family and photographed you as a news exclusive for the television!

Then when the thieves start to leave the house to the surrounding area, they don't come back to the house because your uncles are hunting them outside in the fields, then they ask to negotiate with your relatives? This is the question? Will you accept to negotiate the thieves who raided your house and land, raped your honor, and slit your dignity?

The ignorant, the greedy, those who rejoice at the misfortune of others, the cowards, and the traitors would accept to negotiate!!

The True Iraqi believers, the true sons of the two rivers, will carry on and fight till they retrieve what is rightfully theirs and take their revenge!!

Today Bush, is on the stages of his performances, he blabs and trembles in weakness, even the Hollywood actors will feel sorry for him. For he was misguided, and is now isolated from his generals and half his people. He is on his way to the pit. Why should we now negotiate when he is most probably reading a book by the title of "How to escape in 7 days without a teacher!"

If Bush shouts we will not leave Iraq till we drain the last oil well, then what shall we negotiate about?

He rots in Abu Graib, awaiting the miracle that will kneel the high heads of the resistance so he can negotiate. But he still cannot grasp the reality that the resistance will soon free the

Prisoners in Abu Graib, and kneel Bush's head to be on trial along with his gang of war criminals for his endless wars with the nations of this worlds especially the Islamic ones.

Sorry Bush, we, will not save you!

We have the promise of God almighty!

Rafidan-The political Committee
The Mujahideen Central Command
Baghdad The Republic of Iraq
The29 th Jamadi first 1426 H
The7 th of July 2005 M

:: Article nr. 13535 sent on 10-jul-2005 01:00 ECT


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