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In the new Iraq,
US soldiers rape schoolgirls in the daylight

Informed sources from the city of Mosul ascertained today that the US degraded occupiers would do anything to satisfy their beastly nature and to tune up with their debased culture. The same sources added that three days ago a US occupation tank in the city of Mosul (250 miles north of Baghdad) blocked the way of a school bus carrying some forty Iraqi schoolgirls. The sources explained that two debased US soldiers got into the bus and ordered at gunpoint the school kids in the bus to show their breasts. One US female soldier, the Iraqi bus driver indicated, putting her liberation weapon aside, took off her heavy flak jacket, and exhibited to the terrified school children her sow's filthy udders...


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In the new Iraq,
US soldiers rape schoolgirls in the daylight

Reader of al moharer.net

March 4, 2006

Informed sources from the city of Mosul ascertained today that the US degraded occupiers would do anything to satisfy their beastly nature and to tune up with their debased culture. The same sources added that three days ago a US occupation tank in the city of Mosul (250 miles north of Baghdad) blocked the way of a school bus carrying some forty Iraqi schoolgirls. The sources explained that two debased US soldiers got into the bus and ordered at gunpoint the school kids in the bus to show their breasts. One US female soldier, the Iraqi bus driver indicated, putting her liberation weapon aside, took off her heavy flak jacket, and exhibited to the terrified school children her sow's filthy udders.

The same sources from the city of Mosul said also that the children started to yell and some of them passed out while the bus driver was shouting to get some help from the US Occupation appointed police, which wouldn't move a finger.

The Mosuli sources bitterly complained that the Arab TV channels and Media were informed about this daylight rape and sexual abuse against Iraqi school girls but they wouldn't say a word because liberty of speech and freedom of Media in the new democratic Iraq, equals under the fascist US Occupation an ascertained death.

Now Arabs! You got it! This is why Egypt's Mubarak and Saudi traitors of Mecca and Medina allowed the US fascist army to use their territory to attack Iraq and humiliate its Muslim and Arab people, change their religion and convert to Bush the drunkard's, loot their petrol, steel their identity, destroy their past and future and to finally rape in the daylight, at gun point, the innocent Arab and Muslim Iraqi children and get away with it!

:: Article nr. 21220 sent on 05-mar-2006 01:33 ECT


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