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Don’t mention the G word. It’s not good for business!

...The Independent (sic!) that a few days ago admitted to be "pro-Israeli", buried a letter by John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter and José Saramago in its LETTERS SECTION: (…) Each provocation and counter-provocation is contested and preached over. But the subsequent arguments, accusations and vows all serve as a distraction to divert world attention from a long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation (...) The Evacuation Show of these last hours is nothing less than a license to slaughter given to Israel, an immoral country that’s committing GENOCIDE. The Promised Land Myth feeds itself on innocent blood while the Axis Washington-London-Tel Aviv keeps Humanity under their boots (...) But the same "pro-Israeli" Independent that couldn’t find a better place for the Berger, Chomsky, Pinter and Saramago’s letter above to be printed, offers us an exquisite apologia of genocide. "Why is there such unity across the Israeli public, politicians and commentators, on this war, when there was no such agreement on, for example, the 1982 Lebanon war? The answer is simple: because the war in Lebanon in 1982 was not about our survival; this one is. Let me explain." writes Uri Dromi, chief spokesman for the Israeli governments of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. Remember the Nobel PEACE Prizes?...


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Don’t mention the G word. It’s not good for business!

Gabriele Zamparini

July 21, 2006

"Yet, the facts on the ground, when not obscured by one or another Zionist rationalization, show that the Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis. No, the Zionists are not yet quite as bad as the Nazis, not yet, but isn't the world witnessing a creeping ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians at this very moment?" - Bertell Ollman, Letter of Resignation from the Jewish People, 13 March 2005 (1)

The Independent (sic!) that a few days ago admitted to be "pro-Israeli", buried a letter by John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter and José Saramago in its LETTERS SECTION:
(…) Each provocation and counter-provocation is contested and preached over. But the subsequent arguments, accusations and vows all serve as a distraction to divert world attention from a long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation.

This has to be said loud and clear for the practice, only half declared and often covert, is advancing fast these days, and, in our opinion, it must be unceasingly and eternally recognised for what it is and resisted. (…) [emphasis added]
In the "pro-Israeli" newspaper, this letter comes after the far more important one "Home Information Packs will be an expensive waste of time" that gives the title to the Independent’s Letters Section "Letters: Home Information Packs".

The fancy front-pages the newspaper prints every day are used to hide its dreadful editorial policy so to be able to keep selling its liberal readership to those corporations that finance its business through the ads one finds in its pages, the real content of the state-corporate media.

The great Independent’s Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk, the most prestigious name of the paper, is used as a fig leave to cover the shame. But the SHAME is too big and even the excellent Fisk can’t cover it anymore.

The Evacuation Show of these last hours is nothing less than a license to slaughter given to Israel, an immoral country that’s committing GENOCIDE. The Promised Land Myth feeds itself on innocent blood while the Axis Washington-London-Tel Aviv keeps Humanity under their boots.

"Practically every one of the Lebanese regions is being bombarded… Even the regions that were considered sheltered from aggression have become targets." Caritas continues:
"The Israeli Army is making the situation even worse for Lebanese civilians by targeting warehouses and factories," said Caritas. "In fact, food storage houses in particular have become the target of Israeli reprisals. A big milk factory in the Bekaa region called "Liban Lait" was completely burned and destroyed by direct attacks from the Israeli Air Force. A food storehouse called "TransMed" in Choueifate, in Beirut’s southern suburbs, was totally destroyed."

More than 500,000 people have been displaced by Israel’s offensive, which began eight days ago. Schools, convents, and public buildings are inundated by people seeking refuge, while many other people are being taken in by friends or family, and even strangers, Caritas said. (2)
And that’s Lebanon. On the forgotten "front", Caritas reports:
As Israel hammers Lebanon with bombardments, Caritas Jerusalem continues to call out on behalf of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, a separate but no less tragic front in the military assault Israel has launched as violence in the Middle East spins out of control.

"At night, we are in darkness. In the streets at night, all you can hear are children weeping, they are so scared," said Father Manuel Musallam, Parish Priest of the Latin Convent in Gaza.

"We need food, yes of course we need food," Father Manuel said, referring to the thousands of people going hungry and thirsty as food and water supplies are put in a stranglehold. "But more than that, we need freedom from fear," he said. "We want peace and an end of the occupation."

"Children are crying at night, some cannot find their mothers, their fathers, their brothers or sisters, and they are left in the dark," continued Father Manuel. (3)
But the same "pro-Israeli" Independent that couldn’t find a better place for the Berger, Chomsky, Pinter and Saramago’s letter above to be printed, offers us an exquisite apologia of genocide. "Why is there such unity across the Israeli public, politicians and commentators, on this war, when there was no such agreement on, for example, the 1982 Lebanon war? The answer is simple: because the war in Lebanon in 1982 was not about our survival; this one is. Let me explain." writes Uri Dromi, chief spokesman for the Israeli governments of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. Remember the Nobel PEACE Prizes?

"No, the Zionists are not yet quite as bad as the Nazis, not yet". But today is July 21, 2006…


1) Letter of Resignation from the Jewish People, Bertell Ollman, 13 March 2005

2) Caritas Lebanon’s Overwhelming Task of Caring for Civilians, CARITAS, 20 July 2006

3) Humanitarian Situation in Gaza Continues to Deteriorate, CARITAS, 20 July 2006

:: Article nr. 24895 sent on 22-jul-2006 00:29 ECT


Link: www.thecatsdream.com/blog/2006/07/dont-mention-g-word-its-not-good-for.htm

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