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As is the usual practice during Jewish Festivals in Israel, there is a closure of the entire West Bank, meaning that Palestinians cannot enter Israel proper without a special permit, which is very difficult to obtain. The fact that today was the first Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan meant nothing to the 'guardians of Islam's Holy Shrines'..... prayers were restricted to Jews only who were celebrating their New Year. No one else matters in this grand 'Democracy of the Middle East'... despite the 'love in fests' between Olmert and Abbas...


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Desert Peace


September 14, 2007

As is the usual practice during Jewish Festivals in Israel, there is a closure of the entire West Bank, meaning that Palestinians cannot enter Israel proper without a special permit, which is very difficult to obtain.

The fact that today was the first Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan meant nothing to the 'guardians of Islam's Holy Shrines'..... prayers were restricted to Jews only who were celebrating their New Year. No one else matters in this grand 'Democracy of the Middle East'... despite the 'love in fests' between Olmert and Abbas.

An Associated Press report (via HaAretz) follows...

IDF blocks West Bank Palestinians trying to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque

By The Associated Press

Hundreds of Palestinians thronged two major West Bank checkpoints, trying to reach Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, despite tight Israeli restrictions.

Israel Defense Forces troops turned back many of the West Bank faithful. Only men above the age of 45 and women above the age of 35, who had also obtained special permits, were allowed to enter Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque - the third holiest shrine of Islam - said police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby.

This year, the start of Ramadan, a month of fasting and religious observance, coincided with the Jewish New Year. As customary, Israel imposed a blanket closure on the West Bank during the Jewish holiday, barring virtually all Palestinians from entering Israel.

Hundreds of Israeli police were deployed in streets and alleys in and around Jerusalem's walled Old City, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound is located.

Troops also took up positions at two major West Bank checkpoints, one to the south of Jerusalem and one to the north. The checkpoints are built into Israel's West Bank separation fence, which rings most of Jerusalem to control Palestinian movement into Israel.

At the southern checkpoint, near Bethlehem, hundreds of Palestinians, many of them elderly, pushed up against police lines set up near the separation barrier. At one point, the crowd pushed through the police line. One woman crawled on her hands and knees, another fell to the ground as people behind her surged forward. IDF troops shouted at people to get back.

At the northern Qalandiyah crossing, near the city of Ramallah, hundreds of people waited to pass.

Hamdi Abu Fadi, 44, was turned back because he didn't meet the age requirement. Abu Fadi said he'd try to sneak into Jerusalem in another area, in hopes of reaching Al-Aqsa. Prayers performed at the shrine are considered more powerful than worship in another mosque.

Palestinians have long complained that Israel is violating their right to freedom of worship by restricting access to a major shrine. "It's a crime against us all year long, whether during Ramadan or any other month," said Abu Fadi.

Israel says it imposes the restrictions to prevent possible attacks by Palestinian militants.

Ramadan is a time of heightened religious fervor, which security officials fear could increase the motivation for carrying out attacks.

:: Article nr. 36272 sent on 14-sep-2007 22:41 ECT


Link: desertpeace.blogspot.com/2007/09/sorry-guys-only-jews-can-pray-today.html

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