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Syria News - May 13, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

May 13, 2012 - The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 30 thus far, including 3 women, 1 child and 2 defected soldiers; 11 martyrs were reported in Hama (Taman’ah Al-Ghab), 5 in Daraa, 4 in Homs, 4 in Idlib, 3 in Deir Ezzor, 2 in Damascus Suburbs, and 1 in Aleppo.Hama: Taman'ah Al-Ghab Under Fire: ... Today morning, the village has witnessed a new raid by shabiha, backed by security protection, from Azizieh village. They stormed the village and conducted a campaign of burning and destruction of a large number of homes and private properties, and killed 7 civilians, including at least 1 woman...Hama: Sahl Al-Ghab: At least 3 martyrs fell due to continuously bombing villages... Homs:Rastan:The child Ahmad Obaid was martyred due to the artillery shelling on the city...Homs: Rastan: More than 255 shells have fallen, and the number of wounded has risen to more than 60 amid a severe shortage of medical supplies.


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Syria News - May 13, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos


May 13, 2012


Homs, Sulaiman Omer Al-Jaaoor and his child murdered by Assad's snipers. May 13, 2012

Rastan,Homs: little boy fatally injured.

Homs:Rastan:Martyr Ahmad Obaid Due to the Artillery Shelling on his House

Homs:Rastan:Little Girl who Got Wounded and Her Father was Martyred

Wounded in the Fieled Hospital in Rastan Due to the Artillery Shelling

Homs: Unidentified Martyr, Died by Regime's Sniper's fire in Rastan City

Rastan, #Homs: Abdulrazaq Obaid is a little boy who was killed by regime forces. [13 May 2012]

Rastan,Homs: young martyr Ahmad Obeid,

Khaldiya: Daughter of fallen hero Mohammad Najem mourns her dad who was shot dead while driving his car

(05.13.2012) Rastan | Homs | Injured children in a field hospital

Homs:Rastan:Wounded due to a sniper shot

Martyr Muhammad Khalid al-Najm - al-Khalidiyah - The regime security forces shot at his car where he was driving with his family

Homs: A man just shot by Assad's sniper. 13-5-2012

Rastan : Doctors trying to save the live of an injured man shot by Assad's 13-5-2012

Wounded due to the Heavy Shelling of Rastan, Homs

Rastan, A child is wounded and there is no resuscitation equipment.

Rastan,The field hospital is extremely crowded

, Rastan The moment Assad's artillery shell fell and exploded on Rastan. 13-5-2012

Homs: A house in Al Khaldiyeh is on fire after it was shelled by an RPG tank by regime forces surrounding the neighborhood. [13 May 2012]

Homs An Assad Army vehicle painted in blue blatantly opening fire. 13-5-2012

Homs : Assad's turned Al Bir Hospital into military barrack. 13-5-2012

Regime Tanks Shelling Rastan, Homs

Rastan: The devastating aftermath of the heavy shelling

Khaldiya: Assad’s forces destroy water tanks

Homs: A house in Bab Sbaa' is up in flames as a result of shelling by regime forces. [13 May 2012]

Homs: An armored vehicle shells Al Khaldiyeh neighborhood. [13 May 2012]

#Homs: One of the classrooms in Al Ghasaneya School that was destroyed by regime shelling. [13 May 2012]


Martyrs of Taman'ah's Massacre in Sahl Al-Ghab, Hama

On Sunday the village witnessed the summary execution of nine residents after Al-Tamn’ah village was attacked by the regime’s forces. Amongst the murder victims was an eighty five year old alawite lady, Fatima Habeeb Jureya , who was stabbed to death by the regime forces after they raided her property, killed her animals then brutally executed her. Her arm and leg were broken by regime thugs before they killed her.

Martyrs Mohammad Abdul Karim Raslan and Osama Abdul Karim Raslan due to the Heavy Shelling of Tamana'a, Hama

A young man from Idlib who lives in al-Taman'a village was also killed: Nurse Abdulazeez Ahmed Khanoos / Idlib: Maarat al-Hurma / he lived in al-Taman'a and was killed by a sniper gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned afterwards

Hama , al-Taman'a : The mosque in the village was burned and destroyed


Martyr Abdul Hakim Nahas, Maaret Al Nouman, Idlib

Saraqeb: Ibrahim Qaadouni was murdered by Assad's thugs. 13-5-2012


Duma,Damascus : child martyr Baraa Adas was shot dead by Al-Assad forces. Sunday, May13,2012

Douma: Adel Al-Bobbo was shot dead by Al-Assad forces. Sunday, May13,2012

Damascus Suburbs: Dumair: Martyr Ameen Ahmad Wafa

One of the Injuries by the Regime's forces Gunfire at the Martyrs' Mourners in Dumair, Damascus Suburbs

Douma The spread of the Al-Assad army with tanks inside the city. May,13,2012.

Signs of the Regime Army's Attack on Erbeen, Damascus Suburbs

Douma: Civilians are detained and used as human shields

Leaked video-This is a sample of Assad's followers-


Civilian Anwar Bobas died in a massacre commited by Assad's gangs. May 13, 2012

Civilian Hasan Naji died in a massacre commited by Assad's gangs. May 13, 2012

Mohammed Mahmood Mando died in a massacre commited by Assad's gangs. May 13, 2012

Taffas | Fallen hero Hani Mahmoud Abo Nukta

Daraa: Regime's Army Targeting Homes Using Heavy Weapons

al-Harak | Assad forces shell the town

Al Herak, #Daraa: Regime forces open fire on a civilian car and cause it to burn. [13 May 2012]

l Herak, #Daraa: Tanks roam the streets and open fire randomly. [13 May 2012]

Al Herak, #Daraa: Regime tanks storm the city and open random gunfire, injuring one of the cameramen. [13 May 2012]


Aleppo: Maree's Residents Painting the Walls to Clean What Regime's Shabiha Wrote

Gunfire at Protesters in Salahuddein Neighborhood, Aleppo

Izzaz, #Aleppo: A school that has been occupied by regime forces. [13 May 2012]

Izzaz, #Aleppo: Snipers are positioned atop the minarets of mosques in the city. [13 May 2012]

Deir Azzour

The dissident solider Jamal Esmaeeal Al-Maslookh murederd by Assad's gangs. May 13, 2012

Deir Azzour, Tayana: Civilians suffer the shortage of gas supplies as a result of the collective punishment imposed on them by the regime

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 30 thus far, including 3 women, 1 child and 2 defected soldiers; 11 martyrs were reported in Hama (Taman’ah Al-Ghab), 5 in Daraa, 4 in Homs, 4 in Idlib, 3 in Deir Ezzor, 2 in Damascus Suburbs, and 1 in Aleppo.

Hama: Halfaya: Regime forces launched heavy gunfire from all checkpoints inside the city to terrorize residents.

Damascus Suburbs: Jdeidet Artouz: The regime's army has launched heavy gunfire in the Al-Fadl district at the train station.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Heavy gunfire was reported in a number of different areas in the city, and the city's generator at the Al-Masri Rondabout was targeted by regime forces.

Homs: Rastan: More than 255 shells have fallen, and the number of wounded has risen to more than 60 amid a severe shortage of medical supplies.

Homs: Rastan: Artillery and rocket shelling continues, and a severe shortage of medical supplies is reported.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Random gunfire from a BMP stationed at the Al-Masrieh roundabout was reported.

Homs: The regime's army is shelling the village of Al-Burhanieh using mortars and heavy artillery.

Daraa: Shelling was reported in the Manshieh and Arbaeen districts from heavy weapons, amid a deployment of snipers to the rooftops of certain residential buildings.

Homs: Heavy gunfire from heavy weapons was reported in the village of Farhanieh, amid a power outage that has lasted several hours.

Homs: Qosair: Regime forces renewed heavy shelling in the city and the neighboring villages, especially Josieh, Al-Nazarieh, and Al-Salhieh.

Damascus Suburbs: Shefonieh: Alaa Mohammad Salah Al-Deirani and Bashar Majid Atouz were martyred in the city of Douma.

Homs: Mortar shelling is renewed at the orchards of Baba Amr and Soltanieh.

Homs: Qosair: Heavy shelling is reported on Josieh, Nazareih and the Lebanese-Syrian border.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Intense gunfire by the checkpoints in Cornish, Municipality and Aleppo Street toward the evening demonstration of the Great mosque is reported.

Daraa: Taseel: An evening demonstration started near the Old Mosque in the heart of the city with chants for freedom and demands for the regime's ouster.

Homs: Rastan: Reports of martyrs and wounded due to the fiercest artillery shelling the city is witnessing thus far.

Homs: Artillery shelling of the Industrial Area of Hasiyaa is reported now.

Aleppo: An evening demonstration started in Salahuddin neighborhood with chants for freedom and the regime's ouster.

Idlib: Ariha: Heavy shelling from the checkpoints is reported amid heavy gunfire in all the parts of the city accompanied by powerful explosions the shook the area.

Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman: 12 soldiers defected in Khaima checkpoint set up at the southern city's entrance and they joined the FSA. The regime's army opened fire at them and use tanks to chase them.

Idlib: Ariha: Gunfire from the recruitment division checkpoint on the evening demonstration that started in front of Al-Fath mosque is reported. Protesters chanted for Tamana'a city and the other disaster-stricken cities.

Damascus: Jobar: An evening demonstration started from Taqwa mosque; protesters chanted for freedom, the regime's ouster and the release of detainees.

Homs:Rastan:The child Ahmad Obaid was martyred due to the artillery shelling on the city.

Homs: Violent shelling using mortarsby regime forces in Qsoor neighborhood.

Aleppo: Izaz: Regime forces are shooting live ammunition at an evening demonstration that started in the city, demonstrators are chanting for freedom and demanding the toppling of the regime.

Deir Ezzor: An evening demonstration started in Jora neighborhood, demonstrators are chanting for freedom and demanding the toppling of the regime.

Idlib: Maaret Al-Nouman: A large numbers of shells fell in the city along with heavy gunfire. Tanks stormed the western neighborhood and besieged Belal mosque.

Deir Ezzor: Heavy secuirity deployment with inspection of cars and passer-by near Saeed Hotel, where the international observers are present.

Aleppo: Regime forces are firing at the evening demonstration that started in Jamelia neighborhood, and they arrested several demonstrators.

Daraa: Evening demonstration started in Sahary neighborhood, demonstrators are chanting for freedom and demanding the toppling of the regime.

Aleppo: Massive evening demonstration in Jamela neighborhood, demonstrators are chanting for freedom, demanding the toppling of the regime, and saluting Aleppo University's activists.

Aleppo: An evening demonstration started in Miasar neighborhood, demonstrators are chanting for freedom, saluting the martyrs, and demanding the toppling of the regime.

Damascus: Baghdad Street: Regime forces are shooting to disperse a demonstration that started in Samana square. Security alert in the area.

Hama: Tamanaa: City's residents fled due to the violent bombing, and headed to the neighboring villages.

Damascus Suburbs: Jdaidet Artouz: Heavy security deployment in Balad neighborhood with mobile checkpoints, and reports of a raid campaign to search for people who didn't do their military service.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Heavy gunfire from the checkpoint of Mesraba bridge towards Horria square.

Hama: Sahl Al-Ghab: At least 3 martyrs fell due to continuously bombing villages.

Homs: Powerful explosions are reported in Baba Amr orchards accompanied by continuous gunfire from heavy and medium machine guns.

Damascus: Qabir Atika: A demonstration started in the neighborhood to condemn the gunfire at mourners and the arrest of young men; protesters chanted for freedom, the regime's ouster and the release of detainees.

Hama: Al-Madeeq Citadel: Intense gunfire from Shilkas by the regime's forces on the Shaarani Mountain is reported.

Damascus Suburbs: Mouadamyeh: The young man, Ahmad Ali Al-Jalab was arrested in the campaign of raids and arrests that took place in the city today.

Deir Ezzor: Qourieh: Khadeeja Yassin Al-Khalaf was martyred of her wounds due to the heavy shelling that the city witnessed in the passed days.

Homs: Shelling of mortar, artillery and heavy machine guns accompanied by intense gunfire are reported near Kafaraya and Baba Amr junction.

Idlib: Tamana'a: Reports of many wounded due to the heavy shelling of the city as well as the fall of many shells on Beit Al-Ras bridge.

Hama: Sahl Al-Ghab: Heavy shelling and the fall of a large number of shells are reported in Hawash village.

Idlib: Maaret Al Nouman: Abdul Hakem Al-Nahas, 42, was martyred after a tank shell fell near his shop at the eastern garage and his three children were injured.

Aleppo: Large reinforcements of security forces and shabiha arrive to Halab Al-Jadeeda neighborhood.

Homs: Rastan: Reports of the fall of a large number of artillery shells at homes located near Al-Rastan bridge at the eastern entrance of the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Zabadani: Large military reinforcements accompanied by heavy deployment of the regime's forces are reported in the city amid fears among residents of storming the city.

Raqa: Regime forces conducted a campaign of arrests in a house of university students in Thakaneh neighborhood. The detainees are: Ismael Mohammad Al-Ali, Third year-College of Sciences, Ghassan Al-Khalaf, Second year-Chemistry Department, Hmoud Mohammad Al-Ali, First year-College of Sciences and Firas Al-Yassin, Third year-College of Sciences.

Damascus: Qabir Atika: Regime forces open fire at mourners of Qazzaz bombings' martyrs.

Damascus Suburbs: Mouadamyeh: Regime forces conducted a campaign of raids and arrests of many residents in the city.

Damascus: Midan: A flash demonstration started in the neighborhood with chants for freedom and the regime's ouster.

Homs: Qosair: The UN Observers left the city without meeting any residents after their vehicle was fired upon by regime forces at the municipal and church checkpoints.

Aleppo: Rajeh Ibrahim Al-Issa was martyred and 7 others were wounded when regime forces opened fire after raiding the Jassem Cement Transport Company in the Hamdanieh district. Regime forces also looted the office.

Damascus: Sayeda Zainab: Security forces conducted a raid campaign after the funeral of the martyr Faris Al-Huwaili.

Deir Ezzor: Heavy security deployment in Joura neighborhood coinciding with the arrival of UN Observers to Saeed Hotel.

Homs: Security forces conduct an arrest campaign in Rabii Arabi neighborhood.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: A student demonstration started from Ameen school to chant for Free Syrian Army and demand the regime's ouster.

Deir Ezzor University: A demonstration started in the Faculty of Agriculture to chant for freedom and demand the regime's ouster.

Homs: Qusair: Omar Suleiman Al-Jaaour was martyred by sniper's gunfire from the municipality checkpoint.

Lattakia: A student demonstration started from Hureye school to chant for disaster-stricken cities.

Idlib: Ariha: Mohammad Bakour Al-Sous was martyred by regime's forces.

Aleppo: Salahuddein: Security forces opened fire at demonstrators who went out in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Adel Al-Bebo was martyred by the regime's snipers.

Damascus Suburbs: Sayeda Zainab: Reports of wounded due to the gunfire opened by the regime's forces at mourners.

Idlib: Jabal Zawyeh: Morning Demonstrations in the villages of Farkeya, Al Rami, Bsames and Maarata to demand the regime's ouster.

Aleppo: Ibzemo: A student demonstration started to demand the regime's ouster.

Aleppo: Retyan: A massive demonstration started in the center of the city to demand the regime's ouster.

Damascus Suburbs: Maleha: A raid campaign is reported in the farms area since early morning.

Aleppo University: A demonstration started in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering to demand the regime's ouster.

Homs: Rastan: Reports of a wounded woman near the vegetable market by the regime's sniper gunfire stationed at the military security branch a little while ago.

Idlib: Ibrahim Foad Qaadoni was martyred of his wounds after he was shot by the regime's forces gunfire.

Deir Ezzor: Qorieh: A campaign of raids and arrests is conducted in Ain neighborhood and among the detainees: Sheihan Badawi Al Sheihan and Ramadan Aliya. In addition to reports of raiding and destructing a farm that belongs to a Kuwaiti citizen.

Damascus Suburbs: Harasta: A wide arrest campaign is conducted in several neighborhoods of the city, besides the arrival of military and security reinforcements.

Hama: Taman'ah Al-Ghab Under Fire: The village has witnessed mounting tension when the security forces and shabiha opened fire on the Friday's demonstration. This has been followed by consecutive raids which led to the displacement of many civilians to safer areas. Today morning, the village has witnessed a new raid by shabiha, backed by security protection, from Azizieh village. They stormed the village and conducted a campaign of burning and destruction of a large number of homes and private properties, and killed 7 civilians, including at least 1 woman.

Hama: Hayaleen: Regime forces heavily shell western and eastern sides of the town.

Deir Ezzor: Mayadeen: The defected Second Lieutenant Jamal Al Talla' was martyred when he tried to document the storming of Hawaej village this morning. He is from Al Shuheil town.

Deir Ezzor: Mayadeen: The village of Hawaej was stormed this morning and Omar Al Harfoush, Ammar Al Harfoush and Ibrahim Al Misallam were arrested.

Hama: Tamanaa: Reports of 7 martyrs who are the victims of the raiding of regime forces of Tamanaa Al Ghab this morning as well as 20 wounded. In addition to the burning of many homes. Among the martyrs: Ateya Sweli', Subhi Sweli', Khalid Yaqoub, Adnan Yassin Al Raha; and Rawda Al Daddi.

Daraa: Hirak: Regime tanks have withdrawn from the area after random shelling of homes and the defection of two checkpoints in the city is reported.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: The regime's army is shelling the city using tanks. In addition to the shelling, explosions are shaking the city, along with sounds of gunfire from heavy weapons.

Daraa: Saida: Large defections from the 38th Brigade were reported near the town, and fierce clashes involving heavy weapons took place.

Damascus Suburbs:Harasta:Intense gunfire from heavy machine guns by regime army.

Daraa:Harak: The regime's army opened heavy gunfire from Shilka machine guns toward the houses.

Daraa: Tafas: Intense gunfire from heavy machine guns from the military barracks east of the city.

Damascus Suburbs: Dumeir: Ameen Ahmad Wafa, a young man, was martyred after he was shot by the regime's army at a checkpoint.

Damascus: Jobar: People were injured in intense gunfire on homes from the regime's army checkpoints dispersed around the neighborhood amid intensive security deployment on the main road.


Syria Protests May 13, 2012 : A Video Roundup

:: Article nr. 88037 sent on 14-may-2012 20:57 ECT


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