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Syria News - May 14, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

May 14, 2012 -The number of martyrs has risen to 15 thus far, including 2 children and 3 defected soldiers; 9 martyrs were reported in Homs, 3 in Deir Ezzor, 1 in Hama and 2 in Damascus Suburbs. Damascus Suburbs: Kafr Batna: 6 year-old child was martyred when she was shot in the head by a security forces sniper in the area of Shihab... Damascus University: Several wounded fell after the regime's forces opened fire on a sit-in at the Faculties of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, where participants demanded the release of detainees and to stop the killing. A number of students were arrested as well...DeirEzzor: Qoriah:The child Saied Isma'el Khaled was martyred due to random gunfire by the regime army and several people were wounded as well.


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Syria News - May 14, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos)

Local Coordination Committees of Syria + Videos


May 14, 2012

Leaked video Assadi forces kidnapping the bodies of the dead:


Al Qusair: Muhammad Adnan Al Slaibi and Ayoub Muhammad Saeed Al Khouli were martyred after being arrested 3 days ago from one of the barriers near Al Nazareyyeh village. Their corpses were found today.

Homs, Al-Rastan, A massacre committed by Assad's gangs .. May 14, 2012

Rastan . First Lieutenant Ahmed Ayoub was murdered by Assad's shelling. 14-5-2012

This child in addition to losing her both parents, she lost part of her brain due to the brutal bombardment on the city. The girl is fighting for her life while there is absence of the special medical staff and equipment to treat her

ArRastan -A wounded child is crying and wants to see his mom in the Field hospital 14.05.2012

Critical Injury Due to the Indiscriminate Shelling on Rastan

Injuries Due to the Violent Shelling of Rastan, Homs

Rastan An injured civilian by Assad's artillery shelling. 14-5-2012

Assad Bombs Rastan 5-14-12 Artillery Shells Slam Civilians Houses

Rastan: Mass destruction due to Assad's ruthless bombardment 14-5-2012

Al Abbas mosque got bombarded by Assad's criminal militias

Homs: Assad’s forces shell the city


Damascus Suburbs: Kafar Batna: 6 year old little girl Layaleen Sioufi, Shot in the Head by a Regime Sniper

Martyr Rammah Difdaa' killed by regime's forces in Kafr Batna in Damascus Suburbs

Alqaboon: A home is destroyed by Assad forces

Douma: A clip showing the Almawt Tower snipers who keep firing onto civilians

- Shelling on Hamoriya today

Douma: Regime's army is shelling on Douma city. May,14,2012.

Douma: Dozens of tanks and armoured vehicles raid the disaster-impacted town

Damascus University: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering College: The Assad forces stormed the College today, dispersing protesters who were demanding their friends be released - several were detained and beaten with gunfire fired in the air


Aleppo Assad's Security thugs attack students and arrest them brutally 14-5-2012.

Assad Soldiers Beat Students at Aleppo University 5-14-12

Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor: Shelling the City of Quria by the Regime's Army


Morek, Hama: Military tanks and busses carrying hundreds of militiamen raid the town

#Hama: UN observers arrive to Hama along with the regime security forces [14 May 2012].

(05-14-12) Al-Sibahi Roundabout | Hama | UN Observers Find Assad Tanks

al-Hawash : A paramedic was injured by sniper gunfire


(05-14-12) Tafas | Daraa | Martyr Tha'ir Ahmad Mbasbis Murdered by Assad Sniper

Assad Army Firing on Cars and Houses in Daraa 5-14-12

Assad Tanks Invade Daraa 4-15-12

Security Forces Burning Properties in Sheikh Miskeen City, Daraa

The number of martyrs has risen to 15 thus far, including 2 children and 3 defected soldiers; 9 martyrs were reported in Homs, 3 in Deir Ezzor, 1 in Hama and 2 in Damascus Suburbs.

Damascus Suburbs: Kafar Batna: Several wounded were reported, including a female child, as a result of the regime's random gunfire from heavy weapons and snipers deployed in the city.

Daraa: Heavy shelling by regime forces was reported in Hirak.

Daraa: Yadooda: security forces and the army open fire using heavy weaponry.

Damascus Suburbs: Kafr Batna: 6 year-old child was martyred when she was shot in the head by a security forces sniper in the area of Shihab.

Aleppo: Regime forces open fire using heavy weaponry targeting the houses in the towns of Hayyan and Bayanoon.

Damascus Suburbs: Harsta: Security forces launch bombs and open gunfire at demonstrators and injuries were reported near Barakat Mosque.

Homs: Waleed Nayef Houri Zada was martyred of his wounds in Khaldieh neighborhood after he was shot by regime sniper's fire.

Damascus Suburbs: Qudsaya: An evening demonstration started with chants for freedom, the regime's ouster and the release of the detainees.

Aleppo: Tal Refaat: An evening demonstration started in solidarity with Syrian cities; protesters demanded the regime's ouster and prosecution, and the release of detainees

Aleppo: An evening demonstration started in Nairab neighborhood in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities and to demand the regime's ouster.

Damascus: Naher Aisha: An evening demonstration started in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities and to demand the regime's ouster and prosecution.

Damascus Suburbs: Zamalka: A massive demonstration started in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities and to demand the regime's ouster and prosecution.

Aleppo: Dabeq: Evening demonstration started in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities, participants chanted for freedom.

Deir Ezzor: Bukamal: Syrian security forces opened fire to disperse an evening demonstration.

Damascus Suburbs: Aqraba: Security froces opened fire at an evening demonstration using heavy-grade weaponry.

Daraa: Mleiha Sharqiya: Evening demonstrations started in the city in solidarity with Laja city which is being shelled by the regime's army , protesters chanted for freedom.

Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Heavy gunfire by security forces and snipers is reported in the city.

Idlib: Hbeit: Shells continue to fall on the outskirts of the town along with heavy gunfire coming from the western checkpoint amid a power outage.

Hama: Kafr Nabuda: Violent and non-stop shelling of the city is reported, residents are in state of terror amid a complete power outage.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Evening Demonstration Started from al-Hussien Mosque in which participants chanted for freedom and the regime's ouster.

Daraa: Lajat: Heavy mortar shelling and mortars are being launched by regime warplanes near Jadal Village now.

Daraa: Hirak: Reports of three wounded when regime's army opened fire randomly and from heavy machines in the area.

Aleppo: Ihtemielat: An evening demonstration started with chants for freedom and the regime's ouster.

Aleppo: Evening demonstration started in Halab Jadida neighborhood, participants chanted for freedom and demanded the regime's ouster.

Daraa: Nuaimeh: An evening demonstration started in solidarity with the disaster-stricken cities; protesters demanded the regime's ouster and the release of detainees.

Aleppo: Evening demonstration started in Sukari neighborhood; participants chanted for freedom and demanded the regime's ouster.

Homs: Hawleh: Heavy and indiscriminate gunfire from heavy grade weaponry and Shilka targeting residential homes is reported in the neighborhood.

Homs: It is reported that three explosions shook Khaldiya neighborhood, as well as heavy gunfire by regime forces stationed at checkpoints in the neighboring Bayada neighborhood.

Deir Ezzor: Gunfire by regime's forces from state security checkpoint coinciding with the arrival of the UN Observers to the area.

Deir Ezzor: UN Observers arrive to Jura neighborhood, residents of the neighborhood received the observers with an anti-regime demonstration.

Damascus Suburbs: Muadameyeh: Educator Nazeer Aker was arrested from the Madeeneh school after the regime's forces conducted a security campaign to search for activists.

Aleppo: The regime's forces forcibly dispersed a demonstration started near Orwa Al-Barqi mosque in Masaken Hananou neighborhood, and arrested several civilians.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Students demonstration started from AL-Ameen school with chants for freedom and the regime's ouster.

Deir Ezzor: Qorieh: A campaign of raids and arrests is conducted by the regime's forces in Taas neighborhood.

Damascus: Asali: Students demonstration started from Aref Touhan school with chants for Rastan and disaster-stricken cities.

Aleppo University: Security forces attacked a student demonstration in the university courtyard, fired three tear-gas canisters, and detained three students in front of the Electrical Engineering Department.

Hama: Kafarzaita: Moustafa Mohammed was martyred by security forces' bullets.

Raqqa: A Student demonstration started from Ma'ari School in which participants chanted for freedom and demanded the regime's ouster.

Damascus Suburbs: Tal: A morning demonstration started to chant for freedom and demand the regime's ouster.

Hama: Kafar Zeita: Raiding the town using armored vehicles amid heavy gunfire were reported.

Deir Ezzor: Mayadeen: A female student demonstration of Buhturi high school started to demand the regime's ouster.

Aleppo University: A demonstration started at the university's yard to chant for freedom.

Daraa: Tafas: A child was seriously injured by the regime's forces' gunfire while passing next to Omari mosque checkpoint.

Homs: Gheyath Reemi and Haitham Al-Salmoun were slaughtered by shabiha in the market.

Damascus Suburbs: Artouz: The regime's forces conducted a raid and arrest campaign accompanies by heavy random gunfire.

Damascus University: Several wounded fell after the regime's forces opened fire on a sit-in at the Faculties of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, where participants demanded the release of detainees and to stop the killing. A number of students were arrested as well.

Damascus Suburbs: Maleha: The regime's forces conducted a raid and arrest campaign today morning. The known detainees are Ahmad Ghareebo and Mohammad Ghassan Al-Sharbaji.

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Mohammad Khaleel Orfali, from Hameedieh neighborhood, was martyred in Harak city in Daraa.

Aleppo: Bab: UN Observers are now heading to Agriculture (Zera'ah) School accompanied by a large number of protesters.

Idlib: Jabal Zawyeh: Powerful explosions were reported in Ihsem village due to the regime's forces artillery shelling on the mountainous areas surrounding the town.

Deir Ezzor: Mayadeen: A student morning demonstration started from Buhturi high school in solidarity with disaster-stricken cities and villages, and to demand the regime's ouster.

Hama: Kafr Zeita: Regime forces storm the city amid intense gunfire.

Damascus: Qaboun: Regime forces wage a raid and arrest campaign with large amounts of soldiers and Shabiha reinforced with machinery and heavy armored vehicles.

Daraa: Strong explosions shake the city accompanied by intense gunfire from the regime's army's checkpoints in Daraa Balad and Qusour neighborhood.

Damascus Suburbs: Irbeen: Regime forces wage a raid and arrest campaign accompanied by the arrival of a large number of reinforcements of security forces and Shabiha.

Damascus Suburbs: Modamiya: Regime forces stormed the highschool and detained the teacher Natheer Al-Rifai after beating him causing him to lose consciousness, and attacked several students by beating them.

Aleppo:Seucurity forces open fire at a morning demonstration in Bustan Qaser neighborhood in solidarity with Rastan.

Monday has began with the fall of 4 martyrs including a child, 2 martyrs in Damascus Suburbs, 1 martyr in Homs and 1 martyr in DeirEzzor.

Homs:Rastan: The defected Lieutenant Ibrahim Ayoub was martyred by the regime's bullet.

Damascus:Hajar Aswad:Student's demo chanted for freedom and for the fall of the regime.

DeirEzzor: Qoriah:The child Saied Isma'el Khaled was martyred due to random gunfire by the regime army and several people were wounded as well.

DeirEzzor:Qoriah:10 soldiers defected in one of the city checkpoint and they joined the FSA.

Homs:Rastan:Heavy Arbitrarily shelling on the town since the beginning of the day.

DeirEzzor:Heavy gunfire from the regime forces along with explosions that shook the city.

Homs: Al-Farhanieh: Heavy gunfire was reported at the Qurbeh checkpoint, which belongs to the regime's security forces. A number of shells were launched at homes.


Syria Protests May 14, 2012 : A Video Roundup

:: Article nr. 88069 sent on 15-may-2012 20:43 ECT


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