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:: ONU - XX Assemblea Generale (1965): |
XX Assemblea Generale dell’ONU (1965)
dichiara "la legittimità della
lotta da parte dei popoli sotto
oppressione coloniale, per esercitare il
loro diritto all' autodeter-
minazione e
Inoltre, l'Assemblea invita "tutti
gli Stati a fornire assistenza morale e
materiale ai movimenti di liberazione
nazionale nei territori coloniali". |
:: ONU
- Risoluzione 1514 |
Generale dichiara che: la soggezione dei
popoli a dominio straniero, conquista e
asservimento costituisce una negazione
dei diritti umani fondamentali, è
contraria alla Carta delle Nazioni Unite
ed è un impedimento alla promozione
della pace e della cooperazione mondiali.
Tutti i popoli hanno diritto
all' autodeter-
minazione; in virtù di
tale diritto essi devono liberamente
determinare il loro status politico e
liberamente perseguire il loro sviluppo
economico, sociale e culturale". |
:: Convenzione
di Ginevra, Protocollo Addizionale I
(1977): |
La lotta
armata può essere usata, come ultima
risorsa, come mezzo per esercitare il
diritto all' autodeter-
minazione. |
:: Tribunale
penale internazionale |
base allo Statuto del Tribunale penale
internazionale, sono definiti “crimini
di guerra”:
(1) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente
contro popolazione civili in quanto tali
o contro civili che non prendano
direttamente parte alle ostilità;
(4) attacchi lanciati intenzionalmente
nella consapevolezza che gli stessi
avranno come conseguenza la perdita di
vite umane tra la popolazione civile, e
lesioni a civili o danni a proprietà
civili ovvero danni diffusi duraturi e
gravi all’ambiente naturale che siano
manifestamente eccessivi rispetto all’insieme
dei concreti e diretti i vantaggi
militari previsti. |
:: Iraq anthem (click to listen)
Previous news
ISIS Cited as Michigan Village’s Police Push for Secrecy
Jason Ditz
October 17, 2014 - The tiny village of Oakley, Michigan looks fairly unremarkable as you drive through it. Located along the M-52 highway, it consists of little more than a single traffic light, with a bar on one side and a gas station on the other. It’s a village of secrets, however, or so it would seem. Oakley has 290 residents. They also have over 100 police, for some reason. Those police are also, more or less entirely anonymous. Who those police are or what they are doing is a mystery, even to the village trustees, who say they don’t even have a proper list of their own of who all these people are, though they have been assured by the police chief that many of them have never even been to Oakley, and likely never will...
continua / continued [110261] [ 03-dec-2014 04:14 ECT ] |
Archaeology as a tool of the occupation
Jessica Purkiss
October 16, 2014 - It costs four dollars to visit the archaeological site of Susiya in the southernmost part of the West Bank. For your four dollars you can view an ancient Jewish city, supposedly once home to 3,000 people which peaked in the years 400 to 800 CE, the late Talmudic, mid-Byzantine, and early Arab eras. The Jewish inhabitants are estimated to have disappeared some 1,200 years ago, according to the Center for Educational Tourism in Israel. Father and son, Muhammad and Nasser Nawaj'ah, paid their four dollars, not to marvel at the century's old synagogue or the ancient water system but to reminisce- Mohammed was born in one of the cave dwellings as was his son....
continua / continued [110246] [ 01-dec-2014 05:26 ECT ] |
How Israel relies on Islamophobia
Paul Racco
October 15, 2014 - In the latest edition of "Axis of Evil" politics Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argued to the United Nations on September 29th that "Hamas is ISIS, ISIS is Hamas," and that they are following the path blazed by Iran 35 years ago. The Prime Minister in the process exposed the mutual relationship between Zionism and its crutch: Islamophobia.What could a national resistance party in Gaza, an international jihadist organization in the northern Levant, and the state of Iran have in common? The Prime Minister would have you believe they all adhere to the same doctrine of militant Islam that is forever at war with the rational, liberal, ever-philanthropic West. Yet, with an accusation as inaccurate as George W. arguing that Iran and Iraq had anything in common other than a border, Netanyahu could only hope that the West heard "Muslim, Muslim, Muslim," and jumped on its Crusading bandwagon...
continua / continued [110236] [ 29-nov-2014 20:07 ECT ] |
Family life forbidden for migrant workers in Israel
By Mya Guarnieri
October 15, 2014 - Maris Delusong, a 36-year-old caregiver from the Philippines, is alone at Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station. She stops at a sale rack outside a clothing store. She looks at the baby clothes, pulls a pink onesie off the rack and runs her fingers over the soft fabric. Her face is sad as she puts the outfit back and moves along"It’s hard to be alone," Delusong says. She found herself drawn to the baby clothes, she says, because "I remember my children. She’s four, the youngest. The eldest is 12."Delusong is five months into a five year "deployment"—the term Filipino migrants use to describe working overseas. Delusong takes care of an elderly woman in Kfar Saba. In Israel, wages are much higher than they are in the Philippines and, here, Delusong can save for her family’s future...
continua / continued [110234] [ 29-nov-2014 03:00 ECT ] |
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