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Photographs from Iraq: February 21 - 28, 2005

...Fighting in Tal Afar on the 22nd caused heavy damage to houses there. This level of damage seems to indicate that the Americans used airstrikes or very heavy artillery...


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Photographs from Iraq: February 21 - 28, 2005

Anonymous, Infoshop News


Monday, February 28 2005

Streets run red with blood as the occupation drags on; and someone in Iraq has been reading '1984’ again.

Photos From Iraq; February 21 – 28, 2005

This woman says that US occupation soldiers smashed her child’s bed during a raid on her home in Baghdad, on February 21. The violent, demeaning, and rude behavior of American soldiers has been cited by numerous Iraqis as a primary reason for the nearly two years of armed resistance to their presence.

Fighting in Tal Afar on the 22nd caused heavy damage to houses there. This level of damage seems to indicate that the Americans used airstrikes or very heavy artillery.

An image grab from TV footage depicts the aftermath of a roadside bombing in Baghdad, on February 22. Three soldiers apparently died in this incident – possibly from a secondary bomb. They were among at least 10 killed this week.

A young Iraqi throws a rock at a destroyed (collaborationist) Iraqi army truck in Beiji, also on the 22nd.

US soldiers heroically carry a wounded Iraqi civilian to medical help – after they shot him. They got spooked when his car approached their "security operation" in Haklanyah, February 23.

Iraqis point to an oil pipeline fire, which they said was caused by a bomb blast, in Yousifiya on the same day. The explosion reportedly injured six people.

Three suicide carbombs were reported on the 24th; this is the aftermath of one in Tikrit, where a suicide bomber in police uniform managed to penetrate a police compound with a carbomb, killing 10 people. The other two targeted a police convoy and a headquarters of the Islamic party that is set to take power.

On the 23rd, the American propaganda TV network in Iraq, al-Iraqiya, aired 'televised confessions’ of supposed anti-occupation fighters. "I did meet with Goldstein and plot against Big Brother…"

Here is an interesting case. According the photographer’s description on the Getty Images website, "[soldiers] look at the body of a person they found while on patrol on February 24, 2005 in the Haifa Street neighbourhood of Baghdad, Iraq. The person was killed with a shot to the head while wearing flex cuffs. It was unclear the circumstances of the death."…

…the very same flex cuffs, on Iraqis taken prisoner by US occupation soldiers in Haklanyah, on the same day.

A woman asks US occupation soldiers about her son, who they arrested and took away, also in Haklanyah, on the 25th.

A pipeline in Dibis, near Kirkuk, was sabotaged on the 26th. Occupation officials and their Iraqi clients recently admitted that infrastructure sabotage is becoming a highly sophisticated and coordinated arm of resistance in the new Iraq.

A roadside bomb killed two civilians in Baghdad on the same day. An American tank reportedly was nearby but was not damaged.

The American installed government recently decided to make Saturday part of the official weekend, angering students who saw the move as a gesture towards Israel, and sparking widespread protests like this one in Baghdad on the 28th. (Saturday is the Jewish day of rest.) Clearly however, this was not the only concern; the party which won the elections had promised a timetable to withdraw US soldiers – feeling power, they have changed their minds.

Another protest took place on the same day in Ramadi, where medical staff and students were angered by the killing of a dentist, Ahmed Abdul Rahman al-Qubaisi, by American soldiers last week.

On the final day of February 2005, a suicide carbomb struck a marketplace in Hilla, killing more than 100 people, most whom were waiting in line to join the collaborationist armed groups. It was the deadliest day in Iraq since the Americans blitzed Fallujah in November. (At least, as far one can know from here)

All that remained of the carbomb.

Photos from Iraq Archives:

Feb 11-20: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=200502201235

Feb 3-10: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=200502102045

Jan 25 – Feb 1: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=200502011810

Jan 15-24: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=200501232256

Jan 3-14: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=200501141043

Dec 12-19 (2004): http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/12/19/934

Nov 23-Dec 6: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/12/06/210

Nov 16 – 24 : http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/11/24/745

Sep 25-Nov 10 : http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/11/11/222

Sep 1-21 : http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/09/22/788

(some photos may be broken due to Yahoo moving images around)

selected sources:

Yahoo Iraq photos: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/iraq_photos.html
Crisis pictures: http://www.crisispictures.org/
The Nausea.com: http://www.thenausea.com/usa-iraq.html/
Dahr Jamail : http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com/

Please reply here or email dirtykaw at yahoo.com if you know where more original Iraq photos, preferably with details, can be obtained.

:: Article nr. 10046 sent on 01-mar-2005 00:40 ECT


Link: www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=20050228095029609

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