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115 die in a single blast today in Iraq and 30 U.S. Soldiers die in 13 days. BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW.

...As U.S. citizens we must lay responsibility for this hellish nightmare where it belongs - at the feet of George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, the rest of the regime and the U.S. legislators and senators who have supported the war and occupation from the beginning. These mass killers must be brought to justice before the world spins further out of control. There is no end in sight to the savagery and not a single reason to believe that their appetite for blood will be sated. They must be stopped because they will not stop on their own. But these killers are not only responsible for the deaths of so many Iraqi men, women and children. They are also responsibile for the growing number U.S. military men and women who have been killed in this war. Many if not most of these recruits also ended up in Iraq to avoid unemployment and economic hardship. Now there is reason to believe that the U.S. government and the Pentagon have been lying about the numbers of their own soldiers who have been killed and wounded...


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115 die in a single blast today in Iraq and 30 U.S. Soldiers die in 13 days. BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW.

Les Blough, Editor, Axis of Logic


Feb 28, 2005, 19:36

Iraqi citizens and U.S. military personnel continue to die in growing numbers on both sides and there is reason to believe that the Bush regime has been lying to the world about the numbers of dead and wounded.

Today in Hillah, Iraq, the Iraqi resistance carried out a successful military operation attacking police and national guard who were recruited by the U.S. military. Associated Press reported at least 115 were killed and 132 were wounded < http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=539473&page
>. Dia Mohammed, the director of Hillah General Hospital, indicated that the attack came when most of these recruits were waiting to take physicals after joining the U.S.-led occupation forces, according to the AP report. We must remind ourselves that these recruits are as much victims as any Iraqi child who has been killed by the U.S. invasion. With rampant unemployment and no way to feed themselves and their families, they are being forced into military service against their own people and against their own will by the U.S. invaders. They and their families are damned by poverty and hunger if they don't join the U.S. puppet army and damned by bullets if they do.

Today's mass killing added to the number of Iraqi deaths which total well over 100,000 since the U.S. invaded the country 2 years ago. As U.S. citizens we must lay responsibility for this hellish nightmare where it belongs - at the feet of George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney, the rest of the regime and the U.S. legislators and senators who have supported the war and occupation from the beginning. These mass killers must be brought to justice before the world spins further out of control. There is no end in sight to the savagery and not a single reason to believe that their appetite for blood will be sated. They must be stopped because they will not stop on their own.

But these killers are not only responsible for the deaths of so many Iraqi men, women and children. They are also responsibile for the growing number U.S. military men and women who have been killed in this war. Many if not most of these recruits also ended up in Iraq to avoid unemployment and economic hardship. Now there is reason to believe that the U.S. government and the Pentagon have been lying about the numbers of their own soldiers who have been killed and wounded.

Brian Harring, writing for TBR News <http://www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a1390.htm > reported that 30 more U.S. soldiers died in Iraq in the first 13 days this month alone. By February 13, the official government count of U.S. military dead was 1532 and rising. TBR News reports that as of January 1, 2005, about 6,210 U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals ARE NOT COUNTED IN THIS TOTAL.

Is the U.S. Government lying to U.S. citizens about the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed and are being killed in Iraq?

TBR News has this to say:

"There is excellent reason to believe that the Department of Defense is deliberately not reporting a significant number of the dead in Iraq. We have received copies of manifests from the MATS that show far more bodies shipped into Dover AFP than are reported officially. The educated rumor is that the actual death toll is in excess of 7,000. Given the officially acknowledged number of over 15,000 seriously wounded, this elevated death toll is far more realistic than the current 1,400+ now being officially published. When our research is complete, and watertight, we will publish the results along with the sources. Ed"

While the government lies about the dead and wounded, war profiteers continue to fill their pockets and the corporate media continues its complicity in this bloody rampage in the Middle East. In the Associated Press/ABC report above, they laced their story with their typical propaganda to divert attention away from bald facts of the ongoing swath of death and destruction that the U.S. government is cutting throughout Iraq. The readers of these reports soon forget the victims .... the people ... and get lost in the political machinations of the latest, most favorite son for Iraq, Ayad Allawi, known to have shot 6 men < http://www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_15143.shtm
> in the back of the head in an Iraqi prison with his own hand ... and the U.S. government has the gall to call him an "interim Prime Minister". Meanwhile, Bush's lapdog, Tony made the good people of England nauseous today when he "condemned the attack" and told Allawi that he will do what he can "to find those responsible".

We as U.S. citizens have the responsibility to stop our government by demanding that the occupation end and the troops come home now. Join the millions in cities and towns around the world who will be on the streets demanding an end to this war on March 19 and 20, the second anniversary of our country's unprovoked invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq. In whatever region of the world you live, we call on everyone to go to the streets on March 19 and 20 to condemn the savagery visited by the United States government on the people of Iraq.

Copyright Axisoflogic 2005

:: Article nr. 10059 sent on 01-mar-2005 22:24 ECT


Link: www.axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/article_15982.shtml

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