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Yes, Virginia, there really are government conspiracies!

Dear Editor--I am 8 years old.Some of my little friends say there are no government conspiracies. Papa says, 'If you see it in What Really Happened, it's so.'Please tell me the truth, are their government conspiracies? Virginia Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the induced blindness of the mainstream media. They do not believe except they see it on television or hear it over the radio. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. Yes, Virginia, there are government conspiracies. They exist as certainly as greed and ambition and lust for power exist. At the present time and for all to see, some of the highest officials of this land have agreed upon the telling of a lie...


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Yes, Virginia, there really are government conspiracies!

Michael Rivero, What Really Happened

June 24, 2005

Dear Editor--I am 8 years old.
Some of my little friends say there are no government conspiracies.
Papa says, 'If you see it in What Really Happened, it's so.'
Please tell me the truth, are their government conspiracies?


Virginia, your little friends are wrong.  They have been affected by the induced blindness of the mainstream media.  They do not believe except they see it on television or hear it over the radio.  They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. 

Yes, Virginia, there are government conspiracies.  They exist as certainly as greed and ambition and lust for power exist. At the present time and for all to see, some of the highest officials of this land have agreed upon the telling of a lie. That agreement is a conspiracy by any definition or interpretation of the word. The Secretary of State told the lie to the United Nations. The Vice President pressured the CIA to go along with the lie. The President spoke the lie to the world. Others participated as well, particularly in that same mainstream media that blinds and deafens your little friends. They participated willingly, taking part in the conspiracy in exchange for favors from those same officials.

Nobody lies without reason. Nobody conspires with others to lie without reason. And the purpose of this particular conspiracy to lie was to start a war that nobody but a few rich and powerful leaders wanted, to spend our money and to send forth our children to invade an impoverished and helpless nation whose only worth was that it was, as a Defense Official described it, "swimming in oil". There can be be no more vile a lie than that used to send a nation to war, nor no more dark a war than that waged for profit. This conspiracy committed both crimes.

Yes, Virginia, there are government conspiracies.  And the biggest government conspiracy of all is the claim that there are no government conspiracies. Because government conspiracies are creatures of the dark places. They function best when invisible and deniable. But not this time. This time the conspiracy is in the light for all to see. The lie is known, the tellers of that lie identified, their cooperation and collusion plain for the world to see. The lie is beyond question. So too is the conspiracy to lie.

So for all those times you wondered if there was a government conspiracy and your friends shouted you down saying that there were no government conspiracies, now you know they were wrong. You know that if the claim that there are no government conspiracies was their sole argument, that they did not have any real argument at all. Knowing that government conspiracies unquestionable exist, your little-minded friends can no longer claim that there was no government conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy because government conspiracies don't exist. Your little-minded friends can no longer claim that there was no government conspiracy to kill Robert F. Kennedy because government conspiracies don't exist.  Your little-minded friends can no longer claim that there was no government conspiracy to kill Martin Luther King, or Vince Foster or Ron Brown  because government conspiracies don't exist. Your little-minded friends can no longer claim that there was no government conspiracy to cover-up the real cause of the TWA 800 crash because government conspiracies don't exist.   Your little-minded friends can no longer claim that there was no government conspiracy to blame Arabs for 9-11  because government conspiracies don't exist. 

Because government conspiracies DO exist. Bush, Powell, Cheney, Blair, Rumsfeld, etc. et. al. have proved that reality before the world. And with that new awareness, every controversy that was ever dismissed solely on the claim that there are no government conspiracies can be, indeed must be, re-examined in the light of the knowledge that government conspiracies are a very real part of everyday life.

Yes, Virginia, there are government conspiracies. 

See also: GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

What Really Happened


:: Article nr. 12982 sent on 24-jun-2005 17:59 ECT


Link: www.whatreallyhappened.com/virginia.html

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