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Cheney Sends US Wounded, Militia in Iraq, Scraps its Last Puppets

...The current US administration has very personal ideas on honoring the troops: As the US military scrambles to pour more soldiers into Iraq, a unit of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Ga., is deploying troops with serious injuries and other medical problems, including GIs who doctors have said are medically unfit for battle. Some are too injured to wear their body armor, according to medical records, but who cares? It’s not the GI’s war, anyway (...) How to solve the situation in Iraq? While the US has all-encreasing troubles with sustaining its own coalition, Iranian Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi has come forth with alternative plan "stressing" that Iraq is "in need of an Islamic coalition" which could "stretch a protection umbrella over the heads of all Iraqi groups and forces." Of course the "protection umbrella" must be understood here in its broadest sense, especially covering the electric drill death squads provided to Iraqis by al-Sadr’s "Mahdi Army" and SCIRI’s "Badr Brigades"...


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Cheney Sends US Wounded, Militia in Iraq, Scraps its Last Puppets

The United States of Monsters

March 12, 2007

Lack of "US Coalition" Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan

The US strategic reserve is nearly exhausted, which has not satisfied the demands of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan.

Today Deputy US President (aka "Vice President"), Dick Cheney rejects a 'sudden withdrawal' (read: any withdrawal) of US troops from Iraq and strongly reaffirmirs US support for Israel.

In a situation, where huge numbers of extra troops are required not to end the war, the question is where to find them as this is proving more and more difficult.

Coalition of "willing"

These days the "coalition of the willing" has proven more and more unwilling, resulting in the US puppets in Iraq whining for support as in here: S. Korean troops asked to stay longer in Iraq. As such devices are not nearly enough but just enable the US not to use its own troops to replace these.

Congress reinforcements

Dick Cheney’s Spokesman, "President" George Bush has asked Congress for an extra 8,000 troops for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, on top of the 21,500 reinforcements announced two months ago. Not surprisingly, US military officials have hinted that there will be even more requests for troops for Iraq in May, when General David Petraeus submits a new strategic plan.

Sending US injured, madmen, militia back to Iraq

The current US administration has very personal ideas on honoring the troops: As the US military scrambles to pour more soldiers into Iraq, a unit of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Ga., is deploying troops with serious injuries and other medical problems, including GIs who doctors have said are medically unfit for battle. Some are too injured to wear their body armor, according to medical records, but who cares? It’s not the GI’s war, anyway.

Who are the "mentally unfit", really?

The absurd story Mentally Unfit, Forced To Fight makes one only wonder why not all the "mentally unfit", especially those in Capitol Hill, Pennsylvania Avenue and so on wouldn’t be send too: they would be find a suitable company for themselves: A quarter of US war vets diagnosed with mental disorder: study

Doubling The tours of US GIs

The US attempts to crawl after ever-strengthening Iraqi Resistance will of course "add to GI's tours", which in practice will mean that in the near future the US Army, Marines "volunteers" will have to serve two years in Iraq, Afghanistan instead of the current one year in tour for every two years away.

US Militia (Military Police) sent in too

Finally, to relieve US combat troops for the ethnic cleansing of Iraq, US is preparing to send its militia (MPs), which – as Gen. Petraeus says, 'Was Always Anticipated’ by military planners.

Regional Conference has failed

Of course the need of militia was "anticipated", as so was the failure of the "regional conference", which wont solve Iraq war, as Syria and Iran won't provide the troops required immediately by the US.

Plan B? – Iran’s got it!

How to solve the situation in Iraq? While the US has all-encreasing troubles with sustaining its own coalition, Iranian Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi has come forth with alternative plan "stressing" that Iraq is "in need of an Islamic coalition" which could "stretch a protection umbrella over the heads of all Iraqi groups and forces." Of course the "protection umbrella" must be understood here in its broadest sense, especially covering the electric drill death squads provided to Iraqis by al-Sadr’s "Mahdi Army" and SCIRI’s "Badr Brigades".

Blank Cheque for Mass Murderer

Recently, U.S. "President" George W. Bush has approved sending 4,400 additional troops to Iraq. This comes with a cost of $3.2 billion, which he has already asked Congress pay for. What the true cost of all the crippled, "mentally unfit", the US militia and puppet forces sent in will be is revealed in a story Bush wants blank cheque for more troops: George Bush has called on Congress to provide financing for the Iraq war "with no strings attached". In other words, Dick Cheney and his spokesmen want a blank cheque for funding the mass murder, ethnic cleansing of the Iraqis.

Why the Escalation (aka Surge) will fail

Anyone with the simplest knowledge of the military issues and ability to compare will notice that the US Armed Forces are approaching the culmination point in which e.g. the Nazi Germany had reached 1944, a year before the end of the WW II: the country, out of troops, had to send the wounded, the deaf, militia, reservists and anything it still had, to the front. Such attempt didn't change the course of war then and it won't do it this time. The heroic Iraqi Resistance combatants all know these facts and will never surrender now that the victory over the first occupier of Iraq, the US and its lackeys is falling to their hands. How the second war, against Iran and its puppets in Iraq will be, shall be seen in the future, in which the US plays no part. What I’m wondering at is that the people of US will go on allowing Cheney, Bush and their lackeys harm them.

:: Article nr. 31316 sent on 12-mar-2007 20:34 ECT


Link: theunitedstatesofmonsters.blogspot.com/2007/03/cheney-sends-us-wounded-militia-i

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