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Halliburton prepare its Command Center for future wars in the Middle-East

As expected most of the ordinary US citizen are selfish thinking about their wallets, criticizing Halliburton move as an insult against the US taxpayers, without seeing the bigger picture behind Halliburton action. One of the critics I read today, from somebody who is mourning his luck that he is unable to share the blood money Halliburton made in Iraq, saying: we will be unable to collect the funds Cheney’s corporation stole! But that can be explained, and prove that this report is true: US severe poverty highest in three decades Extreme poverty in the US has reached its highest point in at least three decades, according to an analysis of Census Bureau figures by McClatchy Newspapers published February 22...


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Halliburton prepare its Command Center for future wars in the Middle-East

Roads to Iraq

March 12, 2007


Image from "MEOS 2007" floor plan, Halliburton in the biggest hall

As expected most of the ordinary US citizen are selfish thinking about their wallets, criticizing Halliburton move as an insult against the US taxpayers, without seeing the bigger picture behind Halliburton action.

One of the critics I read today, from somebody who is mourning his luck that he is unable to share the blood money Halliburton made in Iraq, saying:

we will be unable to collect the funds Cheney’s corporation stole!

But that can be explained, and prove that this report is true:

US severe poverty highest in three decades

Extreme poverty in the US has reached its highest point in at least three decades, according to an analysis of Census Bureau figures by McClatchy Newspapers published February 22.

It is not for nothing that Bahrain oil minister warned over future Gulf tension just one day before Halliburton announced their move.

US Navy officials from the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet Command, who have recently issued repeated denials of plans to attack Iran, do not hide their concerns about the possibility of Tehran’s use of sea mines to disrupt maritime traffic in the Gulf.

Are the people in Halliburton stupids? Are they intentionally move to the unstable Middle-East? Or there is a bigger and wider agenda behind it?

Peak Oil

Technology advances that made it possible to unlock more oil from old fields misstated Saudi Arabia’s total reserves, which are about a quarter of the world’s proven total. It is 260 billion barrels, not million.

:: Article nr. 31318 sent on 12-mar-2007 23:59 ECT


Link: www.roadstoiraq.com/2007/03/12/halliburton-prepare-their-command-center-for-futu

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