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Israelis" Reserving the Rights" - to Continue Military Incursions on the West Bank !

Israeli warplanes launched three air strikes over three different locations of the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening.One of the strikes targeted an Islamic Jihad research centre, another struck a blacksmith's workshop in the Sheikh Radwan area of Gaza City - and the third stoke a shopping center near Karama towers in the northern Gaza City. The attacks have completely wrecked the buildings, leaving a scene of sever destruction and has caused profound horror to the residents who live in the area.The Israelis air strikes were launched a few hours after that a unite of the Gaza Strip based Palestinian resistance attacked an Israeli state terrorist base in Kisufim...


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Israelis" Reserving the Rights" - to Continue Military Incursions on the West Bank !

Hiyam Noir, PalestineFreeVoice


Photo Fady Adwan PalestineFreeVoice Gaza Strip 6/9 2007

June 10

Israeli warplanes launched three air strikes over three different locations of the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening.One of the strikes targeted an Islamic Jihad research centre, another struck a blacksmith's workshop in the Sheikh Radwan area of Gaza City - and the third stoke a shopping center near Karama towers in the northern Gaza City.

The attacks have completely wrecked the buildings, leaving a scene of sever destruction and has caused profound horror to the residents who live in the area.The Israelis air strikes were launched a few hours after that a unite of the Gaza Strip based Palestinian resistance attacked an Israeli state terrorist base in Kisufim.

Israeli State Terrrorists
Ransacked Homes in Biet Hanoun Stole Money and Gold - Held 300 Men and Abducted Over 60

The Israeli State terrorists which penetrated the town of Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, early on Sunday morning, have withdrawn.The Israelis conducted a search trough many homes in Biet Hanoun amidst intensive gunfire and caused destruction to local Palestinian farms and homes.The Israelis also concluded invasion of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, after bulldozing land in the area while launching huge arrest campaigns.

300 Palestinians between the ages of 16 and 40 are held and 14 were abducted by the Israeli State terrorist unites and taken to unknown destinations.Fifty other young men were forced into military vehicles and taken to undisclosed locations.
The Israeli perpetrators raided homes and attacked the residents. Family members has been beaten by Israeli terrorists thugs, they were forced to stay in the homes and banned from leaving for several hours.

Meanwhile the Israelis ransacked and searched the homes of the residents they stole money and gold. After a 24 hour incursion the Israelis left the Biet Hanoun area.

The Palestinian Resistance Launched an Attack Against the Illegal Settlement of Kisufim - One Palestinian Fighter From the Islamic Jihads Forces Was Killed By the Israeli Occupant

The Palestinian " National Resistance Brigades" - military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), claimed responsibility for launching two projectiles at the Israelis base in Kisufim on Saturday evening.The brigades issued the following statement: " one of the unites of the NRB managed to launch projectiles at the Israeli base - and we see the operation as a part of the Palestinian retaliation to Israeli attacks and violations against the Palestinian people on the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.. Furthermore the Hamas armed wing, Ezzedin Al Qassam Brigades announced, that they launched eight mortar projectiles at the Kisufim post.- "the operation was a retaliation for the Israeli aggression against Palestinian people in all the of the territories." the Hamas statement said.

The Israelis base in Kisufim,an illegal settlement of the 1948 occupied Palestinian lands - was invaded on Saturday night by four Palestinian fighters from the Islamic Jihad-affiliated Al QudsAqsa Brigades. One Palestinian resistance fighter was killed at the western parts of Deer Al Balh , at the checkpoint of Kisufim. Mohammad Khalil Aljabrey member of the Islamic Jihad forces was killed. - The photo above depicting the mother of the Martyr, Mohammed Khalil Aljabrey - she is looking in dismay and brutally shocked of the view of the beheaded body of her beloved son
Ehud Olmert Pushing For Escalation of War on Gaza Strip

At the opposite side of the Palestinians disastrous drama - the Zionist commander in chief, him self, Ehud Olmert, is pushing for a continuing of war - in targeted missile attacks over the Gaza Strip, he said:" as long as Palestinian projectiles continue to land in Israeli towns bordering to the Gaza Strip".

During Ehud Olmert's weekly performance he said in a public statement that - "a week ago I said: - Our operations in the Gaza "sector" - [on the Mediterranean parts of the Palestinian occupied territories ] - will continue as long as Al Qassam rockets are fired and "terror" attempts continues.
Olmert is deliberate avoiding to mention the facts that Gaza Strip and the West Bank is one body, one entity .- when he is calling the Gaza Strip - the "sector".

Gaza Strip & West Bank One Entity

So is the Palestinian Resistance
, one entity - of course as long as the Israeli occupation continues on the West Bank - the Israelis annexation of West Bank land continues - Israeli abductions of the Palestinian resistance and official elected members of the Palestinian government continues , illegally erected checkpoints are not removed - as long as the illegal so called " Security" Wall that divides Palestinian farmlands, roads and towns is not demolished, as long as confiscated lands are not returned to Palestinian landowners, as long as the targeted assassination campaigns continues.

As long as dear friends and love ones are abducted,to be brutalized by Israeli drug attics, security interrogators, working in Israeli torture centras and responsible for uncountable violations of the International Laws and Human Rights laws - while " investigating" - " wanted" members of the Palestinian resistance - the Palestinian Resistance on the Gaza Strip will continue - to defend the entire body of the Palestinian Homeland - retaliate and target with "Home-Made" Qassam Rocket fired and execute attacks inside confiscated lands, targeting the Israeli occupant and its movements, also from the southern and northern flanks of the occupied Palestinian territories - that is the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile the high chief of Israeli State terrorist forces, the Zionist, Gabi Ashkenazi, is
involved in preparations to launch large scale Israeli terrorist attacks over the Gaza Strip - the "Israeli National Security Council" - is suggesting that the Israelis should publicly express readiness to achieve a ceasefire on the Gaza Strip - while reserving the right to continue military incursions in the West Bank. Also the Israeli "National Security Council" has advocated further financial sanctions to be imposed on the Palestinian people, a collective punishment for resisting the longest known military occupation in modern history.

©Hiyam Noir

© Copyright reserved 2003 - 2007 PalestineFreeVoice

:: Article nr. 33592 sent on 11-jun-2007 13:14 ECT


Link: palestinefreevoice.blogspot.com/2007/06/israelis-reserving-rights-to-continue.ht

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