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APS - The Blessing of the Partition Decision

AMSI made a press statement denouncing the pro-American Kurdish separatist leaders for supporting the American Senate's decision to partition Iraq into three states, and for committing crimes against the Iraqi people.The Kurdish politicians has announced their support to the decision of American Senate's regarding the partition of Iraq challenging the feeling of millions of Iraqis, Arabs and Muslims of all traditions. As it is known that the Kurdish separatists urged the United States to occupy Iraq and collaborated with the invaders in all its plans for the country. The pro-American Kurdish political leaders were willing to involve in occupier's projects. They willingly joined the American occupiers in the US attacks on the Iraqi people which have by now claimed more than a million Iraqi lives and done untold damage to the country....


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APS - The Blessing of the Partition Decision

Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI)

Monday, 08 October 2007

AMSI made a press statement denouncing the pro-American Kurdish separatist leaders for supporting the American Senate's decision to partition Iraq into three states, and for committing crimes against the Iraqi people.

Press Statement (Number 479)

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate the Merciful,

Praise be to Allah, peace and prayer to the prophet of Allah, His family and His companions,

The Kurdish politicians has announced their support to the decision of American Senate's regarding the partition of Iraq challenging the feeling of millions of Iraqis, Arabs and Muslims of all traditions.

As it is known that the Kurdish separatists urged the United States to occupy Iraq and collaborated with the invaders in all its plans for the country. The pro-American Kurdish political leaders were willing to involve in occupier's projects. They willingly joined the American occupiers in the US attacks on the Iraqi people which have by now claimed more than a million Iraqi lives and done untold damage to the country.

The fate of 27 million Iraqis is unknown and still is aiming to destroy Iraqi cities and expelling the people by Peshmergah forces as took place in the battles of al-Fallujah and elsewhere in the country. In addition they have carried out savage ethnic cleansing operations directed against Iraqi Arabs in the northern cities of Mosul and Kirkuk.

The Kurdish leaders have militias other than the Peshmergah forces, the said militias are conducting a programmable actions of assassinations. These Kurdish militias who are separatist death squads have carried out systematic murders of religious leaders, tribal chiefs, Iraqi scientists and professionals. The people of Mosul and Kirkuk cities have many documents proving the involvement of the Kurdish separatist politicians in such mass killing. At the appropriate time those documents will be published to the public.

The assassinations of religious leaders and other public figures in the city of Mosul in recent days are for the most part the work of the Kurdish separatist politicians which were planned and carried out by their order. They have also systematically spread discord between the various Iraqi Resistance groups in cooperation with the US occupation forces and others.

Our nation of Kurdish people either in North of Iraq, in Kirkuk, Mosul or other cities of Iraq are a good nation that would not consent and approve these crimes. They are not responsible of what these two Kurdish parties, their militias and forces are conducting.

The Kurdish people which are a part of Iraqi nations are not merit to such politicians whom are taking from the Kurdish issue a trading centre and are greedy to collect the profits. The appropriate time will come when the Kurdish nation knows who will represent themselves and their legal lucrative without utilization or bloodshed. This will be realized when the occupation ends and a free elections is performed.

All rejecting power are unanimity on the similar course of the necessity of giving this nation of their national and cultural rights under the Iraqi state which has to be consisted on the bases of justice equality.

The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) is denouncing this eccentric actions of Kurdish politicians in all aspects. AMSI warns the Kurdish separatists against continuing attacks along this course which represents a brazen affront to millions of Iraqi people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, to the Arab and Muslim worlds.

AMSI remembers them that the unjustness would not continue much longer, there are many examples about this either in the old or modern history.

AMSI Press Department

20 Ramadan 1428 / 2 October 2007

:: Article nr. 37044 sent on 09-oct-2007 05:14 ECT


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