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The Real Face OF The Occupation's Surge

One thought that has stayed with me for decades, and seems to be more true today than ever before, is if an american wants to see the future of the US all she has to do is take a look at american client states. You know, those foreign spheres of influence occupied by troops, controlled by american corporations or simply run by an installed tyrant (...) The wreckage in Iraq is a splendid opportunity for our overlords to practice their upcoming high tech tyranny at home. Criminal MSM will dutifully chirp away with their happy face fantasies while real stories should be about the biometric databases, surveillance drones, crowd dispersal weaponry, and other goose stepping means of total control. The nazis didn't waste their splendid opportunities to study populations under their control; all kinds of information is available about those well documented activities. Is that much different than the US military testing all forms of exotic weapons on the people of Fallujah?...


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The Real Face OF The Occupation's Surge



November 23, 2007

Lab rats for fascism.

"The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents.

These high-tech capabilities, when mixed with loose rules of engagement that allow U.S. troops to kill Iraqis at the slightest sign of hostility, have contributed to what U.S. generals and a growing number of American journalists are hailing as an improving security situation.
Or, as President George W. Bush reportedly told Australia’s deputy prime minister in September, "We’re kicking ass."

One thought that has stayed with me for decades, and seems to be more true today than ever before, is if an american wants to see the future of the US all she has to do is take a look at american client states. You know, those foreign spheres of influence occupied by troops, controlled by american corporations or simply run by an installed tyrant. Examples abound, there are literally dozens of countries to choose from. Topography and skin color may have differed somewhat but the agenda was the same - resource extraction for corporate enrichment coupled with vicious widespread repression. Our overlords been merrily extracting our tax money since forever and with a restive population, maybe due to economic collapse and new wars, soon we'll see a well oiled crackdown right here.

Militarism, rigged elections, climate of fear, controlled media, rampant criminality, sound familiar? The only reason our fascists haven't gone all death squads and disappearances on us is because most of brainwashed america is quite content with their Fox TV, their diversions and their wage slave banality to actually care about much else. And this is the dazed state they want to keep us in. What was that quote by Bertrand Russell? "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do." It's this thin veneer of relative opulence and mindless belief in unsustainable fairy tales that's shielding us from the brutal face of overt repression. That and how our masters feel they can control us without bullets.

The wreckage in Iraq is a splendid opportunity for our overlords to practice their upcoming high tech tyranny at home. Criminal MSM will dutifully chirp away with their happy face fantasies while real stories should be about the biometric databases, surveillance drones, crowd dispersal weaponry, and other goose stepping means of total control. The nazis didn't waste their splendid opportunities to study populations under their control; all kinds of information is available about those well documented activities. Is that much different than the US military testing all forms of exotic weapons on the people of Fallujah?

Iraq's been a grand laboratory for the manipulators in a lot of ways. Back during the first gulf slaughter in 1991 the first use of chemtrails were noticed and puzzled over. Think that Limbaugh's "college pranks" at Abu Graib were solely for deviate gratification of a few low level flunkies? Perhaps they just need to fine tune some persuasion techniques, because it's guaranteed they're still at it. A completely traumatized population under brutal security subjugation, out of work, sickened by chemicals and radiation poisoning, with no hope for the future and trapped in their nightmare, what an ideal captive bunch of lab rats, perfect to use for the evolving need to control or eliminate political dissent. Because that's our future too.

:: Article nr. 38547 sent on 24-nov-2007 05:41 ECT


Link: piglipstick.blogspot.com/2007/11/real-face-of-occupations-surge.html

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