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Syria Protests January 3, 2012 : A Video Roundup


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Syria Protests January 3, 2012 : A Video Roundup


January 3, 2012

(01.03.2012) Deir B'albe | Homs | Night protests, "People want to execute Bashar"

(01.03.2012) Homs | Freedom protests in al-Insha'at neighborhood

3 1 Qal'at al Madiq Hama

(01.03.2012) Tseil | Daraa | Freedom protests continue across the country

(01-03-12) Jeeza | Daraa | The Family of Assad are Traitors, We Only Fear God

(01.03.2012) alQusour | Homs | "Our Tears Fall for Our Martyrs"

(01-03-12) Kafarzayta | Hama | Afternoon Demonstration Calling for Freedom

(01-03-12) Qarra | Damascus | Evening Demonstration Standing in Solidarity for Freedom

(01-03-12) Ghanto | Homs | Our Revolution Will be Victorious

(01-03-12) Barza | Damascus | A Message to Nabeel Al-Arabi: Help Monitors Remove Bodies from Homs

Night demo in Daeel, and Fadawa's speech

Aleppo: night demo in Saif Dawla

Night demo in Mashlab in Raqqa

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Zamalka

Idlib: A night sit in in Saraqeb

Damascus: night demo in Qadam neighborhood

Idlib: night demo in Darkoch

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Artouz

Dier Ezzor: night demo in Qoria

Aleppo: Der Jamal: night demo

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Douma

Night demo in Qamishli

Aleppo: night demo in Jibreen

Hama: night demo in Bab Qeble

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Douma

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Hame

Damascus: Demo in Hajar Aswas

Aleppo: night demo in Anadan

Aleppo: night demo in Jina town

Daraa: night demo in Kherbet ghazalah

Aleppo: night demo in Sakhour

Aleppo: night demo in Saif Dawla

Idlib: night demo in Sarmeen

Damascus Suburb: Harran Awamed town demo

Damascus: night demo in Midan

Hama: night demo in Hamediya

Homs: night demo in Qossor

Damascus: night demo in Barze

Idlib: night demo in Binnish

Idlib: Demo in Jabal Zawiyah

Homs: Qarabis and Joret Shiah

Homs: night demo in Safsafe neighborhood

Homs: night demo in Qusair

Idlib: mourning the martyr Khaled Zer

Homs: night demo in Khaldiya

Homs: night demo in Ghota

Amouda's night demo

Idlib: Demo in Jobas

Homs: night demo in Inshalaat

Damascus Suburb: night demo in Harasta

Idlib: Demo in Kafranbel

Idlib: Demo in Zardana today

Idlib: Demo in Kafar Yahmoul

Homs: night afternoon demo in Karm Zaitoon

night demo in Qamishli

Damascus Suburbs: A demonstration today in Douma in reaction to the detention of Ms. Faten Rajab

Damascus Suburbs: Daraya: The independence flag was raised on the main flagpole in the middle of the city for the third day respectively

Idlib: Demo in Hass

Idlib: Saraqeb: Demo before the shelling of the city

Damascus Suburb: Zabadany strike continues

Damascus Suburb: Sit in in Zabadany

Hama: Morning demo in Hafaya

Damascus Suburbs: Darya: The Strike for Dignity is ongoing along with a protest

Hama: Demo in Kernaz

Daraa: Demo in Naema

Idlib: Demo in Areeha

Daraa: Demo in Inkhil despite the siege

Idlib: Demo in Kafartkharem

Idlib: Mourning the martyr Mustafa Habboush

Daraa: Massive demo in Dael

Idlib: Demo in Kastan village

Daraa: Haraa: Clashes between the regime’s military and the Free Syrian Army early morning today

Idlib: Saraqeb: Funeral of martyr Saber Ahmed Nassar

Idlib: Dignity strike in Areeha

Idlib: Binnish: the strike continues

Demo in Qosair

Funeral of Abduljabar Zaror in Homs

Demo in Naymeh, Daraa

Dignity Strike in Tafas,Daraa

Massive demo in Kafroma, Idlib

(01-03-12) Bab Qabli | Hama | Until Our Syria Becomes Free

(01-03-12) Aleppo | Different Villages March Together for Freedom

(01-03-12) Sarmada | Idlib | Our Tears Fall for Our Martyrs

(01.03.2012) alWa'ar | Homs | Wonderful night protests, people chant: "God is the Greatest"

(01.03.2012) Bab Qeble | Hama | Amazing freedom protests

(01.03.2012) Anadan | Aleppo | Night protests, "We only have you God"

(01-03-12) Al-Sabeel | Daraa | People Call for International Protection Upon Arrival of Monitors

(01-02-12) Moadamiya | Damascus | Our Beloved Country

[3 Jan 2012] #Aleppo: Evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Aleppo: Evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Aleppo: Evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Kafarsousa #Damascus: Evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Aleppo: Evening protest even under siege

[3 Jan 2012] #Aleppo: Evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Damascus: Large evening protest

3 1 Homs

[3 Jan 2012] #AlMidan #Damascus: Large evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #AlMidan #Damascus: Large evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Tafas #Daraa: Arab League observers are welcomed with a large protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Daraa: An Evening protest

[3 Jan 2011] AlRastan, #Homs: Protest being dispersed by gunfire after the departure of observers

3 1 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah

3 1 Kafaryahmoul Idlib

3 1 Homs

3 1 Homs

Ugarit News || #Syria || [3 Jan 2012] Sahm Algolan #Daraa: an evening protest

3 1 Daraa

[3 Jan 2012] #Homs: an evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Homs: an evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Homs: an evening protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Hama: Security forces opening fire at protesters despite the presence of Arab Observers

3 Jan 2012] #Saraqib, #Idlib : an anti-regime protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Homs: an anti-regime protest

3 Jan 2012] #KafarBatana, Rif Diamshq: an anti-regime protest during the funeral of Mohammad Ballor, a civilian killed by Assad Forces

[3 Jan 2012] #Homs: an anti-regime protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Damascus: an anti-regime protest in Barzeh

#Homs: an anti-regime protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Jiza , #Daraa: an anti-regime protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Yabroud, Rif Dimashq: an anti regime protest

[3 Jan 2012] #Dariya: Flying the independence flag over the national hospital in the town, and taking Assad's portrait off the building

[3 Jan 2012] #Idlib: an antiregime protest

:: Article nr. 84498 sent on 04-jan-2012 16:09 ECT


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