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American-Zionists closed Islammemo.com

First - last news on Islammemo.com is this: Although AlHajiri was put in prison but the team are preparing themselves for a comeback very soon. Second - As I expected there are American tentacles behind the close of the website, and much worst American-Zionists...


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American-Zionists closed Islammemo.com

Roads to Iraq

April 21, 2007

First - last news on Islammemo.com is this:

Although AlHajiri was put in prison but the team are preparing themselves for a comeback very soon.

Second - As I expected there are American tentacles behind the close of the website, and much worst American-Zionists.

Why are Zionists Fighting Islammemo.com?

Source: islam commentaries [internet Word document Arabic, English]

Islammemo.com, as a result of pressure from Zionists, was stopped from being posted [under the domain name] as islammemo.com.

Islammemo received information that the responsible party for this incident is a fundamentalist Christian enemy of Islam. His name is William Wety [sic], who received Master of Divinity degree in Christian studies and a Bachelor’s degree in theology from a university in California.

This person established a [web]site specifically to promulgate (to spread) the Torah and the Gospel at http//www.isv.org.
The one mentioned has unleashed a campaign against Islamic [web] sites that he calls "terrorists". He calls the site "[Operation] Jihad-al-Jihad," because his motto is "The internet shall not harbor terrorists." He started the site on 24 October 2002.

This person supported his campaign on a paragraph from the American Law that says: "Whoever, within the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, knowingly provides material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both." 18 USC 2339B(a)(1).

The campaign started against islammemo.com after he claimed that our [web] site published a proclamation from the Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. He started searching for the company that owned the name, and he found it at "Go Daddy Software". He started contacting it and he threatened it, that it is were allowing terrorists to use its site. He sent them the law quoted above through his Jewish attorney—and the company did not respond. He downloaded the [web] site on CD and went to the American FBI and reported. To the praise of Allah—these people understood his mindset and did not respond.

We are informed that the aforementioned person’s campaign included his opposition of [web] sites Islamic Jihad, Al-Fateh.net (sponsored by Digitronic), and kataeb-ezzeldeen.com, sponsored by the same company, Go Daddy Software.

Because islammemo.com is a news [web] site, we have confirmed relationships with many international news stringers to deal with the news, exactly as is normal with any other news outlet. We collect the news from where it is occurring through eyewitness accounts. We even collect it from various sources, but we report it from our point of view even if it does not match our values and worldview. Because of that, our news suffers widespread opposition, not just opposition from the general public, but also from other high-level specialists in this [news] industry. Because of that, we were not surprised that CNN, BBC, Jazira’s Qatar, all the Arabic channels, and more than 35 other Arabic newspapers enter islammemo.com on a daily basis, following the news and information from there.

By the way it presents the news, Islammemo sets an example for those who want their dreams to come true in real life from the point of view of the subject being reported, and also by the way they assemble and present the news. And far from being a fabrication, our follow-up has not stopped covering Muslim issues about their traumas and tragedies—without fundamentalist attitudes or being partial to any group or race. [As a result,] daily visitors [to our site] now number about 20,000 from 85 countries.

To its sorrow, Go Daddy Software succumbed to the extreme racist pressure. As a result, they stopped us from operating under the name islammemo.com to do whatever we want with the name, and barred us from our right to move it to another [sponsoring web] company. Based upon these false reasons, [Go Daddy] claimed that the reason [for their actions] was [influenced by] their host company, not them. And this sacrifices the truth for those who are possessed with hatred and racism toward those people who aren’t part of their group or citizenship. And we will find out shortly that the role of this Zionist organization does not only include [attacking] Islammemo, but is to attack all of the voices of free Muslims. If we do not stand united confronting this cruel aggression, I don’t think we will be able to agree on matters.

And we at Islammemo appeal to those who sympathize and agree with us, who love Islammemo, and who want our Islamic movement to stay and continue to move and pressuring those Zionists by protesting these actions that caused the elimination of our site at our well known [web] address. Warn them of their crime. And for whoever wants to protest or do any other thing that is legal mandates in this case. Here are the electronic addresses:

[Email] address of the site owner:  william@williamwelty.com

Address of the site:  http://www.isv.org

Address of the [sponsoring] company:  http://www.godaddy.com

:: Article nr. 32304 sent on 22-apr-2007 00:30 ECT


Link: www.roadstoiraq.com/2007/04/21/american-zionists-closed-islammemocom/

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