Sunday, 18 November 2007.
US admits one more soldier dies of wounds received in combat with Iraqi Resistance.
- US admits three more of its occupation troops killed in bomb attack in Ba'qubah Sunday.
- Resistance group announces shooting of US soldier in al-Mahmudiyah.
- Deputy puppet "Governor" of Karbala’ Province tells newspaper: Shi'i sectarian militias run puppet security forces, sell prisoners to gunmen to be tortured, murdered.
- Bomb targets British patrol to the west of al-Basrah Sunday morning.
Car bomb targets motorcade of deputy "Finance Minister" in Baghdad late Sunday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 10:09pm Baghdad time Sunday night, the Yaqen News Agency reported that just before sunset on Sunday a car bomb exploded by the motorcade of an adviser to the puppet "Finance Minister" in the Baghdad district of al-Karradah.
Yaqen reported a source in the puppet regime as saying that the blast killed nine people and wounded 20 more.
Earlier in the afternoon, a spokesman for the puppet "Iraqi Interior Ministry" Major General 'Abd al-Karim Khalaf al-Kannani sad that an explosives-packed car that had been parked by the side of the road in al-Hurriyah Square in al-Karradah blew up by the motorcade of Salman Mukawtar, the deputy puppet "Finance Minister" and the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper al-Bayyinah al-Jadidah, Sattar Jabbar.
Neither the puppet official nor the newspaper editor were injured in the attack, the official spokesman claimed.
Bomb in southeastern Baghdad reportedly injures two civilians.
In a dispatch posted at 5:38pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that a bomb that had been planted near a middle school in the middle of the al-Amin ath-Thani neighborhood in southeastern Baghdad exploded, wounding two civilians.
The AMSI reported a source in the puppet police as saying that the blast also inflicted material damage on nearby houses. After the explosion, the puppet police closed off the area and began detailed searches of nearby areas looking for other explosive devices. The puppet police gave no indication as to what might have been the target of the bombing.
Mortar shells blast into US camp in eastern Baghdad Sunday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 11:20am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that at least five mortar rounds blasted into the US camp set up in the ash-Sha'b neighborhood of eastern Baghdad on Sunday morning.
Yaqen reported a source in the puppet regime as saying that the mortar shells caused panic among the Americans, who afterwards closed down a number of streets near their base as US helicopters flew in at low altitude to try to locate the area from which the shells had been fired.
Eyewitnesses said that they could hear the sound of loud explosions going off inside the American compound at 7am local time Sunday morning. One witness said that at least seven mortar shells struck the American camp setting fires burning inside the facility. As of the time of reporting, the Americans had made no announcement regarding the attack or the casualties it inflicted, if any.
US admits one more soldier dies of wounds received in combat with Iraqi Resistance.
In a dispatch posted Sunday, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the US military had admitted that one more of its soldiers had died as a result of wounds received in occupied Iraq.
Yaqen reported a Pentagon announcement as saying that the 22-year-old soldier died onTuesday, 13 November from wounds received when Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked his unit with small arms.
Diyala Province.
US admits three more of its occupation troops killed in bomb attack in Ba'qubah Sunday.
In a dispatch posted at 12:06am Makkah time just after midnight Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US military had announced the deaths of three more of its soldiers in an ambush in the city of Ba'qubah, 65km northeast of Baghdad, on Sunday.
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that it was unclear as to whether this was the same attack that the Iraqi puppet police had reported earlier in the day on Sunday in an incident in which they said that a bomb that had been planted by the side of a road in the city went off by an American foot patrol, killing at least three children and wounding seven more.
Armed assault on government administrative building in al-Mada’in leaves at least eight puppet "Shock Troops" dead.
In a dispatch posted at 8:18pm Baghdad time Sunday night, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance forces carried out an armed attack on the governorate building in al-Mada’in, 25km southeast of Baghdad, on Sunday, killing about eight members of the puppet "Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)" and taking eight members of the collaborationist "al-Mada’in Awakening" in al-Bawi organization prisoner.
The AMSI reported eyewitnesses as saying that about 10 puppet "Shock Troops," rather than just eight, were killed in the armed assault on the building.
Babil Province.
Resistance group announces shooting of US soldier in al-Mahmudiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 3:10pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the Iraqi Resistance organization Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas Brigades announced it had shot a US soldier in the town of al-Mahmudiyah, 25km south of Baghdad.
Yaqen reported the Resistance group’s statement as saying that its sharpshooter unit had tracked a US soldier in al-Mahmudiyah and shot him. The statement offered no further details regarding the incident.
Ninwa Province.
Car bomb targets puppet police patrol in al-Mawsil Sunday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 11:03am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that a car bomb exploded by a patrol of the puppet police in the city of al-Mawsil, 420km northwest of Baghdad Sunday morning.
Yaqen reported a source in the Ninwa Province puppet security forces as saying that the explosion of a car bomb by a puppet police patrol of the Hammam al-'Alil station in the Dawwasah area of al-Mawsil killed three persons, including a woman. Four puppet policmen and eight other people were injured in the explosion, the spokesman claimed. The blast also inflicted material damage on nearby shops, the spokesman said.
Karbala’ Province.
Deputy puppet "Governor" of Karbala’ Province tells newspaper: Shi'i sectarian militias run puppet security forces, sell prisoners to gunmen to be tortured, murdered.
In a dispatch posted at 5:41pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the deputy puppet "Governor" of the predominantly Shi'i province of Karbala’ had admitted for the first time that the Iraqi regime’s security forces are involved together with Shi ' sectarian militias in the torture and murder of civilians.
The AMSI reported Jawad al-Hasnawi, Deputy puppet "Governor" of Karbala’ as saying that puppet regime security agencies would sell prisoners being held by the regime in local prisons to the Shi'i sectarian militias so they could torture and murder them. Al-Hasnawi added that the Shi'i sectarian militias had spread out from Karbala’ to plague Baghdad and an-Najaf.
Jawad al-Hasnawi said in an interview with the newspaper ash-Shahid al-Mustaqill to be published on Tuesday, 20 November that the sectarian regimes of US-backed "Prime Ministers" Ibrahim al-Ja'fari and Nuri al-Maliki intentionally brought Shi ' sectarian militias of some of the political parties into the puppet police and puppet army in order to fulfill their partisan agendas of destroying Iraq as a united state. Al-Hasnawi said that those militiamen inside the puppet security and military organs still take orders from their sectarian political parties, not from the regime in Baghdad. That way they pursue their sectarian agendas under the guise of enforcing the "law" as defined by the US occupation and its Iraqi puppets.
Al-Hasnawi said that the death squads – i.e., the Shi'i sectarian militias expanded from the city of Karbala’ to become hordes within the puppet police and army in all the provinces of central and southern Iraq where they are to this day. Al-Hasnawi said that the bulk of the sectarian militiamen are illiterate, unable to read or write and consequently highly subject to being led by sectarian clerics. Those militiamen who hold military ranks are almost invariably not graduates of any military academy but rather seasoned criminals with long records of arrests and imprisonments.
Al-Hasnawi, a prominent leader in the Shi'i sectarian movement of Muqtada as-Sadr put the blame for the rise in sectarianism on the US-installed regime in Baghdad – where the ruling parties are currently at odds with the Sadr movement, even though all share the same Shi'i sectarian outlook.
Al-Hasnawi said that the bodies of torture and murder victims that are picked up every day around the streets of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities are the bodies of innocent people many of whom were detained by the puppet regime security forces that oversee the prison system in occupied Iraq.
In Karbala’, al-Hasnawi said, many inmates in the main prison system were sold by the puppet security forces and prison administrations to the Shi'i sectarian militias to be tortured and murdered. Al-Hasnawi promised that photographs and documentation of such practices would be published in the newspaper along with his interview on Tuesday.
Al-Hasnawi said that most of the torture and murder victims are of Arab tribal origin and are opposed to the rising hegemony of Iran and Iranian backed elements. Many are also intellectuals – doctors, and men of culture, and in many cases Sunnis. "For example there were 50 prisoners at one time in the jail of the Third Battalion. The next day, you would find only 44 prisoners and the same day six bodies of murder victims would be picked up on the streets. If you asked the jailers what happened to the six prisoners, they would say that they had been released, but in fact. This took place in all the prisons of the puppet police that were patterned after those of the Third Battalion in the cities of central and southern Iraq," al-Hasnawi said.
Asked why he had remained silent about such heinous practices even though he was a prominent member of the Muqtada as-Sadr movement and the deputy puppet governor of the province, al-Hasnawi said that he had presented the information to the [puppet] government directly. The only response he got was that he was banned from visiting prisons and detention centers on numerous occasions by the executive bodies in Karbala’ Province. Al-Hasnawi said that he would send evidence and proof of the violations going on to the puppet regime in Baghdad, and then those documents would, in turn, be sent to the parties that maintain the Shi'i sectarian militias that have been perpetrating the kidnapping, torture, and murder.
Al-Hasnawi said that the commander of the Karbala’ puppet police and the commander of one of the emergency police agencies and his brother, Muhammad Hamid Hashim, a member of the puppet Provincial Assembly – all of them represent the military wing of Shi'i sectarian political parties active in Karbala’ province and are close to one member of the US-backed puppet regime in Baghdad.
Al-Basrah Province.
Bomb targets British patrol to the west of al-Basrah Sunday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 4:10pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that a bomb exploded by a patrol of British occupation troops to the west of al-Basrah in southern Iraq on Sunday morning.
Yaqen reported a spokesman as saying that a bomb that had been planted to the west of the city went off by a British patrol that was moving down the road on its way to az-Zubayr. No information on casualties was reported.
The road on which the attack took place has frequently been the scene of attacks on British forces since September, when the British withdrew from the center of al-Basrah to take up positions in al-Basrah International Airport west of the city.