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Hiyam Noir, 6th report: The Quisling of Ramallah and Israeli Slaughter in Gaza

...56 locations across Gaza Strip were targeted and attacked by Israeli F 16, drones and Apache warships on Tuesday night.Homes belonging to Hamas armed wing, the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigade, were demolished by the air strikes, also the main service center of Gaza governments ambulance and buildings of Gaza medical crews has been partly destroyed. The Gaza government ministry buildings in Tel Al-Hawa, in northern parts of Gaza City were bombed several times throughout Tuesday night and leveled to the ground...


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Hiyam Noir, 6th report: The Quisling of Ramallah and Israeli Slaughter in Gaza

Hiyam Noir in Gaza. Axis of Logic

December 30, 2008

Photo Fady Adwan December 30 2008 .Exclusive PalestineFreeVoice Images

GAZA - The death toll in Gaza Strip, since the Zionist Israel began its air strikes on Saturday, four days ago, has reached the alarming number of 374 people, more than 1,700 are injured, over 300 seriously.

On Tuesday night Israeli F16 ,drones (pilot less aircraft operated by remote control) and Apache warships launched heavy missile attacks at Rafah smuggling tunnels, beneath the border between Gaza Strip and Egypt. Some 12 heavy missiles, shelled the inside of the tunnels in a second attack within two weeks. No casualties are reported this time. Two days ago 3 Palestinian were killed and 23 were injured in a similar attack on the Rafah tunnels. The bombardments of the tunnels on Tuesday, came some hours after Egypt's statement,that they would close the Rafah border crossing,fearing of Israeli threats to bomb the area.

On Tuesday afternoon, Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, repeated his statement, that Egypt would not open the Rafah crossing, unless the border crossings are controlled by the Mahmoud Abbas, PA (Fatah)and by "European" monitors.Hamas website said in a statement today, that; Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah)is concocting a new coup to take control of the Gaza Strip, hoping that the Israeli onslaught in Gaza will complete the destruction of Hamas.

During the ceasefire between Hamas in Gaza and Israel, Abbas in his self-proclaimed Palestinian caretaker role, has been spending his time on extensively frequent leisure travel across the region, fraternizing in exclusive salons of Arab kings and politicians. Mashmoud Abbas has been standing as a passive onlooker, watching the carnage on the Palestinians in Gaza, involved in tit for tat meetings with the Egyptian president, Hosny Mubarak, the Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, the Israeli foreign minister, Tipsi Livni and Saudi officials.

In his envy and old grudge against Hamas, Abbas was backstabbing his kinship, Palestinian men and women, members of the popular Hamas movement,which political party defeated Fatah, won a landslide victory in the past, "European" monitored, democratic Palestinian election, much because of its ethical social program,and absolute firm stand to uproot the long ruling Fatah 's corruption.

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Quisling never asked Egypt to open the Rafah border crossing to ease the heavy suffering of his own people in Gaza Strip, although it was officially required of him. Said to be the Egyptian conditions,that Egypt would only open the crossing to Gaza Strip - "at the request of the Palestinian President Mahmod Abbas". Hamas reports in its website today, also reveal that Abbas travelled to Cairo to coordinate a joint coup with the Egyptians and the Israelis, with the aim to "transform" changes in Gaza Strip, Abbas have allegedly told his security services (Fatah ) to prepare themselves to "take over".

56 locations across Gaza Strip were targeted and attacked by Israeli F 16, drones and Apache warships on Tuesday night.Homes belonging to Hamas armed wing, the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigade, were demolished by the air strikes, also the main service center of Gaza governments ambulance and buildings of Gaza medical crews has been partly destroyed.

The Gaza government ministry buildings in Tel Al-Hawa, in northern parts of Gaza City were bombed several times throughout Tuesday night and leveled to the ground. In southern Gaza Strip the second time, another Gaza governmental building was shelled and completely demolished, when two Israeli missiles hit the foundation. In northern Gaza Strip, a home next to the Mosque of the Caliph was demolished, also in the Ash-Sheikh Zaid area, a building of the Al-Shamal Governorate.

Structures of the Islamic University of Gaza, is also destroyed by Israeli bombardments. In the Al-Jala street the car of a Gaza City resident received a direct hit, the bombardment also completed the destruction of some already wracked buildings in the area, after that the buddings were bombarded one more time. On Tuesday morning people were standing on their rooftops, in the northern town area of Beit Lahia, watching the terrifying sights and hearing the deafening sounds of Israeli bombardments of residential homes, pharmacies and a local police station nearby.

In the western parts of Gaza City in the Al Bader area, affiliated to the Ezzedine Al Qassam Brigades, Israeli warships in an air strike demolished private homes and buildings, including the Holy Omar Bin Al-Khattab mosque in Gaza City.

Three sisters, four-year-old twins and their 11 year old sister, were targeted nearby a garbage dump.The youngest died instantly and the eldest died on the way to the hospital. In absence of ambulances, her parents had to carry the little child's body in a donkey-cart to bring her to a doctor. In Beit Hanoun, the As-Sekka Street area was hit, when Israeli targeted and bombarded a cooperative of farmers affiliated to the Popular Front Liberation Palestine (PFLP).

Also by noon in Gaza City, the neighborhood of Al Zaitoun was targeted and hit by missiles. Some four hours earlier the police station of the Al-Qarara neighborhood in the southern city of Khan Younis was bombarded. Debris from the shelling also killed a bystander nearby. In the Jabaliya refugee camp an Israeli warship killed five little sisters. In Rafah the Israelis killed three brothers, 6, 12 and 14 years old. The Israelis have also killed a mother along with her one-year-old child in Gaza City.

© Copyright reserved 2003 - 2008 PalestineFreeVoice

:: Article nr. 50148 sent on 31-dec-2008 09:19 ECT


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