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It's NOT Anti-Semitism~It's Our Right

Israel is all a dither because people are angry and outraged at the litany of Zionist rip offs, cheats, liars, spies, money laundering, scam artists, paid for politicians and theft perpetuated around the globe at the hands of none other than "Zionists" working for Israel. And as totally predicted, they fall on the never ending "Pity Party" call of "Anti-Semitism". I'm not going to list the massive succession of events, but let's just list a few of the major ones for the mindset...


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It's NOT Anti-Semitism~It's Our Right


29 July 2009

Classic Israeli Subterfuge
When Israel is Wrong, attack the Victims.

Israel is all a dither because people are angry and outraged at the litany of Zionist rip offs, cheats, liars, spies, money laundering, scam artists, paid for politicians and theft perpetuated around the globe at the hands of none other than "Zionists" working for Israel. And as totally predicted, they fall on the never ending "Pity Party" call of "Anti-Semitism"

I'm not going to list the massive succession of events, but let's just list a few of the major ones for the mindset. Bernie Made-Off, the 25 Million dollar Zionist scam on American Elderly, the AIPAC spies, the bought and paid for by Israel American Politicians, the Rabbis money laundering for Israel, the same Rabbis scamming and selling body parts from AMERICANS on the black market then using those funds for, you guessed it, Israeli Organisations they work for. It's not anti-semitism, people are just sick and tired of Israel scamming America and other countries (witness their recent scam on Jordan) Israel cannot control and deflect away from it's MANY crimes by calling those who are fed up "Anti-Semites" That tired old game has run it's course. Instead of attacking the victim of Israels crimes, how about Israel for once take the moral high ground and admit what they have done and ask for forgiveness. Now there's a novel thought! MORE after THIS:

WHIPPANY, N.J. (New Jersey Jewish News) -- An unwritten commandment permeates many parts of American-Jewish society: "It shouldn’t be a shande for the goyim."

Since the July 23 arrests of 14 Orthodox Jews on money-laundering charges, and a 15th accused of illegally buying and selling kidneys, the word shande -- Yiddish for "shame" -- has echoed in countless Jewish conversations.

So, too, have fears of anti-Semitism, calls for serious introspection, concerns about media coverage and even some suggestions that the insularity of the Syrian Jewish community may have contributed to the alleged lawbreaking.
Yeah, lets' blame "Syria" shall we? Was Bernie Madoff Syrian? Were the Rabbis Syrian? Does AIPAC work for Syria? How many Syrian groups work in Washington or around the world? THERES MORE:

The Jpost reports the FBI are, you guess it....."Anti-Semitic" ROFLMAO: "Regardless of the details of the case - I am not familiar with the precise charges and the evidence - you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests. It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism," he said.
This is beyond comprehension, Israel simply MUST get the words "Muslim and Christian" in the mix. One question, were ANY of these people Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests? Nope, they were Zionists WORKING for Israel. Now here's the unvarnished truth; the world is sick of Foreign Israeli infiltration into every single aspect of our personal lives. From banking scams, to body parts, to politicians, to censorship of the media and online, to sucking the world into wars, to the Annual billions of taxpayer money, to the thousands of groups worldwide in every single country whose sole purpose is to advance the cause of a foreign country, it is not Anti-Semitism, we have had enough and want to be free from your world agenda. That is our right.

:: Article nr. 56467 sent on 30-jul-2009 00:59 ECT


Link: irish4palestine.blogspot.com/2009/07/its-not-anti-semitismits-our-right.html

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