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Syria Protests May 14, 2012 : A Video Roundup


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Syria Protests May 14, 2012 : A Video Roundup


May 14, 2012

(05-14-12) Al-Yadouda | Daraa | Leave Bashar, The Syrian People Cannot be Humiliated

Koureen, #Idlib: An anti-regime demonstration and the arrival of UN observers [14 May 2012].

Deir Azzour, Joura: Mass protest welcomes the UN observers and chants slogans against the regime

Aleppo Suburbs, al-Bab: Protesters demand the release of detainees as UN observers visit the town

Damascus, Maidan: protest chants for the cities under repression and demands the overthrow of the regime

Alma,Daraa: morning demo

Karnaz,Hama: anti-regime demo

Namer,Daraa: anti-regime demo

Has,Daraa: anti-regime demo

Jabal al-Zawyeh - Idlib - Syria - 14th May 2012

demonstration in Sahl Al Ghab: Hama for Al-Tamania'a village:Idleb, where yesterday 9 residents, including an 85 year old woman were summarily executed by Regime forces

A Morning Demontration Lead by the Children of Freedom in Sahel Al-Rooj in Idlib

A Morning Demonstration in Aalma in Daraa to Chant for Herak

A Morning Demonstration in Inkhel, Daraa to Call for Freedom and the city Herak

A Morning Demonstration Lead by Student in Daraya in Damascus Suburbs to Call for Freedom

A Morning Demonstration in the Village of Harnaboush in Idlib

General Strike in Latamna in Mourning of the Martyrs of the Tamana'a Massacre

Hama: A Morning Demonstration in the Town of Hayaleen

A Morning Demonstration in Hajar Aswad in Damascus to Call for Freedom

A Morning Demonstration in Tawba in Hama in Solidarity with the Disaster Stricken Cities

A Morning Demonstation in Haas in Idlib to Call for Freedom and Demand the Regime's Ouster


Morning Demonstration for Freedom and Regime's Ouster in Namer Town, Daraa

Morning Demonstration for Freedom in Kernaz, Hama

Morning Student Demonstration for Freedom in Kafar Karmein Town, Aleppo

Demonstration at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Aleppo University

Morning Demonstration at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Deir Ezzor University

Demonstration in Maar Zeita, Idlib

Revolutionists Blocked the Road Between the Police Station and the Village in Qudsaya, Damascus Suburbs

Student Demonstration Inside a School in Daraya to Demand the Regime's Ouster, Damascus Suburbs

Damascus University: Security Forces Raided Hammek Univeristy after a Demonstration Started

Damascus Suburbs: A'aqria: Students Participate in a General Strike Demanding the Release of the Female Detainess

Damascus Suburbs: A'aqraba: Massive Demonstration in Conjuction with the General Strike in the Town Demanding the Release of the Detainees

The Syrian Independance Flag is Raised in A'aqraba's Courtyard in Damascus Suburbs

Demonstration in Khalid Bin Al-Waleed Street in the Center of Damascus

Raising the Independence Flag Over the Fence of the Bus Station Between Doumar and Wadi El-Masharee, Damascus

UN Observers in Jura Neighborhood, Deir Ezzor

Absent Prayer for the Martyrs' Souls at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Aleppo

Demonstration in the Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in the University of Damascus

Demonstration in Agricultural Engineering College, Deir Ezzor

Demonstration in Hawleh, Homs in Solidarity with Rastan City

Evening Demonstration in Um Walad Village, Daraa

Security Forces Open Fire at Demonstrators in Aqarba, Damascus Suburbs

Evening Demonstration in Khirbet Ghazaleh, Daraa

Daraa: Evening Demonstration in Karak Sharqi

Evening Demonstration in Sahari Neighborhood, Daraa

Daraa: Naaymeh: Evening Demonstrators Chanting for Freedom

Evening Demonstrators Chanting for Freedom in Bab Qebla , Hama

Evening Demonstrators Chanting for Freedom in Boqros, Deir Ezzor

Evening Demonstrators Chanting for Freedom and Demanding the Regime's Ouster in Jadydit Aartouz, Damascus Suburbs

Evening Demonstration in KafarZaita, Hama in which Participants Chanted for Freedom

Massive Demonstration in Yadouda, Daraa in Solidarity with Disaster-Stricken Cities and to Demand the Regime's Ouster

Demonstration in Technical Supervision Institute, Hama

Evening Demonstrators in Midan Neighborhood Chanting for Freedom

Deir Ezzor: Evening Demonstration in Hajeen

Deir Ezzor: Bokamal: Demonstrators Chant for Freedom This Evening

Damascus Suburbs: Kafar Batna: Regime Forces Fire at Mourners

Idlib: Ariha: Regime Forces at the Tajnid Checkpoint Fire on Protesters

Daraa: Evening Demonstration in Daeel

Raqqa: Evening Demonstration in Salouk

Evening demonstration in the borough of Sadd Road in Daraa

Evening demonstration in the town of Naseeb in Daraa

Hama: Evening demonstration in the Ta'awoniyah neighbourhood

14 5 Al Kamishli Al Hasakah

ZAMALKA: Damascus Suburbs

A protest in Homs in Jouret Al Shayyah district (after Al Fajr prayers) - 14/5/2012

Hammeh - Damascus - Syria - 14th May 2012





Jbeileh - Deir Ezzor - Syria - 14th May 2012




Albukamal,Deir Ezzor,tonight

Sayf Aldawlah,central Aleppo,tonight


Aqraba,Damascus: general strike and demo standing by Rastan

central Aleppo,today: students of Aleppo Uni demonstrating the will to fight on,saluting the Free Army.

Harabtoosh,Idlib: demo saluting the Free Army

kids of Hama chanting for liberty

Damascus , Hajar Aswad: Protesters take to the streets in solidarity with the cities under repression

Jobar: Protesters denounce Assad’s crimes and demands his ouster

Aleppo, Saladin: Student demonstration demands the overthrow of the regime

Damascus Suburbs, Daraya: Students demonstrate inside their school during their break and chant support for the revolution against Assad

Hayan: Protesters salute the Free Syrian Army

14 5 Hama

Kafarzita, #Hama: An anti-regime demonstration [14 May 2012].

Daraa: An anti-regime demonstration [14 May 2012].

Kharbet Ghazaleh, #Daraa: An anti-regime demonstration [14 May 2012].

#Aleppo: An anti-regime demonstration at the University of Aleppo [14 May 2012].

Aleppo: An anti-regime demonstration at the University of Aleppo [14 May 2012].

(05.14.2012) Al Qaseer | Homs | Don't Worry Homs, You Are In My Blood and Soul

(05-14-12) Aleppo Way | Hama | We Want To Speak about Freedom in Syria

(05-14-2012) Hajr Alaswad | Damascus | Evening Protest

(05-14-2012) Deir ez-Zor | Evening Protest

(05-14-12) KafarBatna | Damascus | Funeral Procession of Martyr Rimah Dufdadii'

(05-14-12) Al-Tadamun | Damascus | Our Beloved Country

(05-14-2012) Saif Al-Dawlah | Aleppo | Evening demonstration

05-14-12) Al-Dirbasiya | Al-Hasaka | They Said We Were Terrorists Because We Called FREEDOM

:: Article nr. 88054 sent on 15-may-2012 17:35 ECT


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