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US Applying ‘Israeli Tactics’ in Felluce

It has recently been discovered that US and Iraqi forces have been using a method of demolishing houses in Felluce (Fallujah) that Israelis have also used on Palestinian homes. An Iraqi soldier told an Agency France Press (AFP) reporter that they set the houses on fire where they encounter pro-insurgence publications or materials. Ismail Ibrahim Shaalan, a 50 year old resident of Fallujah, explained that he saw some soldiers set houses on fire on December 14th even though there were no clashes...


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US Applying ‘Israeli Tactics’ in Felluce


December 31, 2004

It has recently been discovered that US and Iraqi forces have been using a method of demolishing houses in Felluce (Fallujah) that Israelis have also used on Palestinian homes.

An Iraqi soldier told an Agency France Press (AFP) reporter that they set the houses on fire where they encounter pro-insurgence publications or materials. Ismail Ibrahim Shaalan, a 50 year old resident of Fallujah, explained that he saw some soldiers set houses on fire on December 14th even though there were no clashes. A US soldier also admitted that, in some situations, they use "alternative precautions" like "setting fires and bombing" for houses that are presumed to shelter insurgents. US Sergeant John Cross also said that if they are unable to enter a place, they apply alternative methods.

About 200,000 people fled the city at the beginning of the operation on November 8th. Fallujah residents who have been settled in refugee camps in nearby regions until now face difficulties upon their return. Residents wishing to return to the city ruined by the US offensive must wait for six hours to pass through the security checkpoint at the city’s entrance. Those who get through are given an orange card with a list of 13 rules written on it including bans on secret meetings and graffiti. One Fallujah resident, Halid Ibrahim, 42, describes the situation as "humiliating" and says they are being treated like Palestinian refugees. But that is not the end to the suffering of those who have returned. Buildings that survived the US bombardments have been ruined by US troops looking for insurgents. The AFP reporter transmits the recent developments in this city that still lacks water and heating and highlights the anger felt by the people in Fallujah. The Halil family is one family that was forced to move out of their home by US soldiers and then found it in ruins when they returned to their home ten days later. US Major Naomi Hawkins says the Halil family can apply to the governor’s office or Bagdat (Baghdad) and receive $100 to repair their home. The US soldiers are still only allowing people to return to three regions of the city, but are considering plans to widen the area. Major Hawkins notes that despite ongoing clashes in some parts of the city, they are allowing people to return at the directive given by Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. There are big X letters painted in red on the walls of the houses that have been searched by US troops. Others are either partially burned out or completely ruined. Alaa Abdullah, another resident of the city, shows pieces of clothing and shoes that he found among the ruins of his home and expresses his tearful anger saying: "Is this the olive branch that Allawi offers us?" Many of those who returned to Fallujah are picking up the pieces of what is left of their ruined homes and the corpses of their relatives.

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:: Article nr. 8544 sent on 01-jan-2005 03:08 ECT


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