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April 19, 2010 - Tomorrow Israel will celebrate its Day of Independence. Thousands of Israelis will gather in parks and prepare the Hibachis which were carefully put away in storage a year ago. It’s a happy day for those very people that seem to be totally oblivious to the suffering which resulted from the Declaration which created the state. At the time, in 1948, it was recognised as a progressive move to create that entity. In fact, it was the Soviet Ambassador (Andrei Gromyko) to the United Nations that officially made the motion in the General Assembly to partition what then was Palestine. It was the long awaited day when the sun continued to set on the British Empire. Just nine months earlier India was able to print their currency without the image of King George on it...


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Steve Amsel, Desertpeace

April 19, 2010

For full text of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, click HERE

Tomorrow Israel will celebrate its Day of Independence. Thousands of Israelis will gather in parks and prepare the Hibachis which were carefully put away in storage a year ago. It’s a happy day for those very people that seem to be totally oblivious to the suffering which resulted from the Declaration which created the state.

At the time, in 1948, it was recognised as a progressive move to create that entity. In fact, it was the Soviet Ambassador (Andrei Gromyko) to the United Nations that officially made the motion in the General Assembly to partition what then was Palestine. It was the long awaited day when the sun continued to set on the British Empire. Just nine months earlier India was able to print their currency without the image of King George on it.

In reality, however, it was not only Britain that Israel declared its independence from, on that day Israel declared its independence from all of humanity. At the very moment Israel’s independence became official, Palestine ceased to exist. Both sides of the partition that was meant to be became Israel’s, a situation that has thus lasted for 62 years.

That was just the beginning of a long history of ignoring resolutions passed by the United Nations….. with every resolution came the same reply; "anti-Semitism"….with every resolution came a U.S. Veto…. read about it HERE.

Yet, they get way with it and continue to receive the support of the West, both financially and morally. Their 'lobby’ in the United States, especially, seems to have most elected officials under their control.

Psychological Warfare

It is not a coincidence that Israel declared a day of remembrance to the victims of the Holocaust exactly one week before its day of independence. This is to remind the world  how much the Jews suffered and why they should get special treatment. A day before Independence Day (today) is Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Civilians. This is to instill in the minds of Israelis themselves the continued suffering they are experiencing. Memorial Day ends at 8 PM Monday and Independence Day begins immediately.

When I first came to this country almost 26 years ago, we were literally dragged off by representatives of the Jewish Agency to the Military Cemetery in Jerusalem to view the thousands of graves of dead Israeli soldiers. We were then taken to celebrations in the evening to experience the joys of independence. We were told that this was a demonstration of the schizophrenic nature of the Jewish people, one minute mourning, the next minute celebrating. It was SICK to say the least.

Never was there mention of the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people. Never was there mention of how many of those soldiers died because of aggressive attacks against innocent Palestinian civilians. Yet, those attacks continue to this day and they get away with it….

Has the time not come for the West and the rest of the world to see through Israel’s games?
Is it not time for the world to finally declare its independence from this terrorist entity??
Is it not time for the people of Palestine to raise their own flag in their own recognised State???

The answers my friends are 'Blowin in the wind’…..

:: Article nr. 65229 sent on 20-apr-2010 03:42 ECT


Link: desertpeace.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/israel-celebrates-its-independence-from-hum

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