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Petizione mondiale contro l'escalation della guerra in Iraq

...Chiediamo che gli Stati uniti guardino in faccia la realtà, si ritirino incondizionatamente dall'Iraq e traggano le necessarie conclusioni sulla natura inacettabile della guerra preventiva. E' illusorio chiedere che le forze nordamericane restino fino a che l'Iraq non sarà pacificato perchè la loro presenza è talmente odiata che costituisce l'ostacolo principale verso qualsiasi forma di pace. Nel frattempo affermiamo che ci opporremo con tutti i mezzi pacifici e legali a qualsiasi tentativo di schiacciare la resistenza irachena con una escalation militare come si tentò di fare in Vietnam...


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Petizione mondiale contro l'escalation della guerra in Iraq

Una iniziativa del BRussels Tribunal sottoscritta dal Tribunale Mondiale sul'Iraq


"Senza tener conto delle informazioni su Falluja, un rapporto della rivista Lancet del 29 ottobre stima in 100.000 gli iracheni morti a seguito dell'invasione. L'84% delle morti vengono attribuite ad azioni compiute dalle forze della coalizione e il 95% di quelle morti vengono attribuite ai bombardamenti ed agli attacchi dell'artiglieria". (Reuters, 28 ottobre 2004)

La guerra irachena è ben lontana dall'essere conclusa, anzi è appena iniziata. Gli Stati uniti non sembrano in grado di sconfiggere la resistenza irachena con i mezzi usati finora. D'altronde non possono accettare questo imprevisto. L'arroganza propria con cui questa guerra è stata dichiarata e condotta sta mettendo in discussione tutto il loro prestigio e di conseguenza decenni di di sforzi per assicurare il loro dominio nel mondo. La posta in gioco è più alta di quanto non fosse in Vietnam. Gli Stati uniti non possono lasciare l'Iraq se non dopo aver insediato un governo amico, ma oggi hanno così pochi amici in quella parte del mondo che nessuna elezione democratica può produrre un tale tipo di governo.

Di conseguenza è seriamente ipotizzabile una escalation militare dopo le elezioni - immediatamente nel caso Bush venga rieletto, forse più gradulamente nel caso vinca Kerry. Ma neppure il candidato democratico ha intenzione di ritirarsi dall'Iraq. Il governo statunitense cercherà di sconfiggere la resistenza ad ogni costo. E' in corso un'operazione tesa a demonizzare la resistenza presso l'opinione pubblica mondiale associandola ai rapimenti e agli assassini condannati praticamente da tutto lo spettro delle organizzazioni politiche del mondo arabo.

Chiediamo che gli Stati uniti guardino in faccia la realtà, si ritirino incondizionatamente dall'Iraq e traggano le necessarie conclusioni sulla natura inacettabile della guerra preventiva. E' illusorio chiedere che le forze nordamericane restino fino a che l'Iraq non sarà pacificato perchè la loro presenza è talmente odiata che costituisce l'ostacolo principale verso qualsiasi forma di pace.

Nel frattempo affermiamo che ci opporremo con tutti i mezzi pacifici e legali a qualsiasi tentativo di schiacciare la resistenza irachena con una escalation militare come si tentò di fare in Vietnam. Facciamo appello a tutti i governi perchè garantiscano asilo a tutto il personale militare statunitense che si rifiuterà di operare in Iraq. Faremo del nostro meglio per diffondere tutte le informazioni disponibili per contrastare la propaganda di guerra e cercheremo di mobuilitare l'opinione pubblica mondiale, come nel 2002, per chiedere che gli Stati uniti abbandonino il loro tentativo di imporre una soluzione militare in Iraq.

Chi vuole sottoscrivere lo può fare dal sito http://www.brusselstribunal.org/ o inviando una mail con scritto "sottoscrivo la petizione fermiamo l'escalation" a Info@Brusselstribunal.org aggiungendo, se possibile, professione e luogo di provenienza

Un primo elenco provvisorio delle firme

Jean Bricmont, prof. of theoretical physics, author and political publicist, writer of this petition, Belgium

Noam Chomsky, author, USA

Margarita Papandreou, former First Lady of Greece

Hans C. von Sponeck, Un Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (1998-2000), Geneva

Ken Coates and Tony Simpson, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation (UK)

Jayan Nayar, Law Academic, Malaysia, Peoples' Law Programme Lelio Basso International Foundation

Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, writer, peace activist, USA

François Houtart, Centre Tricontinental (Cetri), Belgium

Edward S. Herman, Professor Emeritus of Finance, Pennsylvania , economist and media analyst, USA

Michael Parenti, author, USA

William Blum, author of books on US foreign policy, Washington, DC

Nawal El Saadawi, writer, Egypt

Sabah Al-Mukhtar, President Arab Lawyers Association (UK )

Immanuel Wallerstein, Dept. Of Sociology, Yale University, USA

Susan George, author, Attac France

Edy Korthals Altes, former ambassador of the Netherlands and Honorary President Religions for Peace (WCRP)

Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Chief of the Naval Staff , India

Lieven De Cauter, prof. philosophy, Belgium

Patrick Deboosere, demographer, Belgium

Hana Al Bayaty, film maker, Iraq/France

Dirk Adriaensens, SOS Iraq , Belgium

The BRussells Tribunal Organising Committee

Ayse Berktay, WTI organiser, Turkey

Prof. Mohammed Al-Obaidi, U.K., Spokesman and Deputy General Secretary, The People's Struggle Movement - IRAQ

Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty, author, Iraq/France

Haifa Zangana, Iraqi-Kurdish novelist and journalist, Iraq/UK

Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar, Engineer, Baghdad Iraq

Fatina Hamdi, Philosophy Department, University of Baghdad
Dr. Haithem Alshaibani, Prof. of Physics, UAE

Tareq Aldelaimi, writer and political activist, Iraq

Salah Omar Al Ali, Chief Editor of Al Wifaq Al Democraty, Iraq

Mundher Al Adhami, Research Fellow at Kings College London, UK/Iraq

Dr . Mousa Al Hussaini , Iraqi Writer

Imad Khadduri, Iraq /Canada, Iraqi Nuclear Scientist

Gilles Munier, Secrétaire général des Amitiés franco-irakiennes (France)

Richard Plunz, professor urban design, New York

Pierre Galand, Senator, PS, Belgium

Mohammed Boukourna, Député fédéral, Member of The House of Representatives, Belgium

Caroline Lucas, Member of the European Parliament, Green Party, UK

Giulietto Chiesa, Member of the European Parliament, Alde Group

Jean-Pierre Viseur, retired parlementarian, Belgium

Pierre Klein, Professeur droit international, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique

Karen Parker, attorney, USA

Amy Bartholomew, Law professor, Canada

Tom Barry, Policy Director, Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC), USA

John Saxe-Fernández, Professor, Mexico

Michel Collon, author/journalist, Belgium

Joachim Guilliard, journalist, Germany

Saul Landau, writer, film director, professor, fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies, USA

Jeffrey Blankfort, Radio host and journalist, San Francisco/Ukiah, California, USA

Taco Ruighaver, director Amnesty International Film Festival – Amsterdam

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, choreographer, Dance Company Rosas , Belgium

Jaime Ballesteros, Président d'OSPAAAL, Espagne

Pol De Vos, coordinator of Stop.USA anti-war movement

Ludo De Brabander, Vzw Vrede, anti-war movement Belgium

Sara Flounders, Co-Director of International Action Center, USA

Herbert Docena, Focus On The Global South, The Philippines

Carlos Varea and Loles Olivan, Coordinators Spanish Campaign against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq

Jean-Pierre Page, organiser of the first international conference of solidarity with the resistance of the Iraqi people, France

Jan Fermon, lawyer, Brussels, initiator of the plaint against Gen. Tommy Franks

April M. Hurley, MD, Iraq Peace Team, Voices in the Wilderness

Carol Brouillet, Women's international League for Peace and Freedom, Co-Founder 9-11 Truth Alliance

Tahrir Swift , England , Arab Media Watch director

Bruno Vitale, physicist, Geneva ( Switzerland )

Anton Regenberg, former director of the Brussels Goethe Institute

Maria José S. R. Arthur, Lecturer at university, Feminist and activist from WLSA (Women and Law in Southern Africa), Mozambique

Ramsés Ancira, México, Jorunalist, member of "Not In Our Name Mexico"·

Adriana Hernandez Alarcon Mexico, Doctor, member and founder of the organization "Not in Our Name México"

Anthony Alessandrini, New York University Students for Justice in Palestine , USA

Ozlem Altiok, Peace Action of Denton , Texas , USA

Claudine Ajeti, Past President, Women Educators, Calif. USA

Junko Abe, Japan , University Lecuturer, Representative of The Flame of Hiroshima

José Medhina Awad , Argentina , journaliste

Kai Ando Boston, MA - International Socialist Organization

Catherine Aymar, Production Co-ordinator, U.K

Leena Abraham, Researcher Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India

Hanna Ackermann, philologist, Germany

Silvio Atanes, Journalist, Brazil

Julia M. Allen, Ph. D., Professor Emerita, Sonoma State University , USA

Janet Abu-Lughod, Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology, New School University , USA

Julie Abraham, Professor, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York , USA

S. E. Anderson, Educator, Activist, Author, Brooklyn , NY

Ross Adams, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, NL

Susan M. Akram, Associate Professor, Boston University School of Law , USA

Professor A. Almaini, Scotland, UK

Dr. Hazim Awbi, Wokingham, United Kingdom, university academic

Tony Andreani, Professeur émérite de sciences politiques, Paris, France

Robert Alpern, Coordinator, Action for Nuclear Disarmament , California, USA

Umberto Albarella, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK

Danica Anderson, Forensic Psychotherapist, Founder & Developer The Kolo: Women's Cross Cultural Collaboration, Washington , USA

Paolo Amati, Professor of Molecular Genetics, Roma, Italy

Daniel Amit, Professor, Rome, Jerusalem

Rana Allam, Egypt , Editor-in-Chief

Saleem Azzouqa, Palestine

Appeltans Ludwig, Scotland, For Mother Earth Scotland

Anthony Arnove, Editor, Iraq Under Siege

Nicolas Boulanger, Chercheur en Physique Théorique, Belgium

Xavier Bekaert, theoretical physicist, Paris

Alycia A. Barr, artist, USA

Atilio Borón, sociólogo argentino y politólogo, secretario ejecutivo de CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales)

George Banziger, Vice President for Academic Affairs at Blackburn College , USA

James Burdick , USA , Poet

Doug Bullock, 1st Vice President-- Albany Central Federation of Labor

Dr. Michael Bradburn-Ruster, USA , Writer/Professor

Marc Belderbos, Architect, Professor St Lucas- Brussels

Asami Bee , Japan , Editor, The Nablus News

Jon Brunberg , Sweden , Artist

Charles Braam, Amsterdam, Holland, Filmmaker/Cameraman

Anthony Barthelemy, usa , professor

Prof. Charles Bazerman, Professor of Education, University of California , USA

George Bernard, editor, Singapore

Paul E. Bender, Asst. Prof. of English, USA

Victoria Bawtree, writer, Alpes de Haute Provence, France

Bert Beyens, dean RITS, Erasmushogeschool Brussels

Crystal Bartolovich, University Professor, Syracuse , NY ( USA )

Mordecai Briemberg , Canada , Radio producer

Dana Briggs, USA, Veterans for Peace

William J. Brennan, S.J. Member of Society of Jesus, Roman Catholic Religious congregation, USA .

Angelo Baracca, Professor of Physics, University of Florence, Italy

Ken Baker, St Jerome Publishing Ltd, Manchester , UK

Thomas Bender, Historian, New York City

Michael Bawtree, Retired professor, Nova Scotia, Canada

Ayse Bugra, Professor of Economics, Bogazici University , Istanbul

Alice Bséréni, auteur, France

Mona Baker, Professor of Translation Studies, University of Manchester , UK

Dr. Dan Bishop, Colorado, USA, Retired Chemistry Professor, President IDUST (International Depleted Uranium Study Team)

José Mario Branco, musician, Portugal

Ms. Sue Blackwell, Lecturer in English Language, Department of English, Birmingham University , UK

Père Jean-Marie Benjamin, Prêtre catholique français résident en Italie à Assise

Mikael Bidault, editor, France-Paris

Danielle Bleitrach, writer, France

Tahar Bekri, poète tunisien

Valeria Bacchelli, associated professor, Politecnico di Milano , Italy

Brian A. Barton, Président, Comité de solidarité de Trois-Rivières

Jan Burgess, Editor ROAPE Publications (Review of African Political Economy), England

Dr. A. Clare Brandabur, Doðuþ University , Istanbul , Turkey

David R. Bassett, M.D., Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, (Emeritus), University of Michigan, USA

Aracely Cortes Galan, Mexico, member and founder of the organization "Not in Our Name México"

Federico Campbell, México, Journalist, member and founder of the organization "Not in Our Name México"

Ayca Cubukcu, Ph.D. student, Columbia University , WTI- New York organizer, New York

Michele F. Cooper, writer, Rhode Island, USA

Ben Chappell, anthropologist, Assistant Professor of Sociology/Cultural Studies, Virginia, USA

Walter Comins-Richmond, Assistant Professor, Department of German, Russian and Classical Studies Occidental College, Los Angeles, USA

Dr. med. angelika Claussen, Bielefeld-Germany, board member IPPNW Germany

David Lawrence Cade, USA, writer and artist

Cláudio Roberto Cabral, Publicist, Recife – Brazil

Stephan Cohen, USA, Assistant Professor, Lesley University

Santanu Chacraverti,Senior Lecturer, History, India

Isham Christie, philosopher, U.S.

Karen Capel, medical/science editor, Illinois, USA

John Catalinotto, International Action Center , USA

Andrew Clement, Professor, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto , Canada

Louis Cancelmi, United States, Writer/Actor

Marcello Cini, Emeritus Professor, Università di Roma, La Sapienza

Mourad Cheikh, réalisateur cinématographique. Tunisie

Sandi E Cooper, Prof of History, College of Staten Island and The Graduate School - CUNY ( New York , USA )

John M. Cammett, Professor emeritus of History, John Jay College and The Graduate School, CUNY (New York , USA )

Elena Choleris, Gulph, Ontario, Canada, University Professor

Sheila Collingwood-Whittick, Senior Lecturer, Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3, France

Ahmet Cakmak, prof. of economics, Turkey

Elise Christensen, Peace Council, Norway

Silvia Cattori, Journaliste, Suisse

Shelley Cook, USA, College Professor, Artist

Anne Chapman, England, City Councillor

D. Robert Cooley, anthropologist and college professor, Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Ellen Cantarow, writer and musician, USA

Dileep Chandralal , Sri Lanka , Professor

Flaviano Mario Coletta, Italy, Physical Chemistry researcher (now retired), Italy CNR

Pascal Durand, Québec, chercheur, Centre justice et foi

Danièle Dufour, professeur d'histoire géographie, retraitée, France

Tsuneo Dengo, Japan, Publisher

Prof. George Dutton, UCLA, Los Angeles , CA USA

Maria Margarida de Sousa Salema de Araújo, Professora Universitária, Portugal

Adam Dabrowski, Poland, musician

Michael Dietler, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago, USA

Drewski Bruno, France, University teacher

Ravi Duggal, Health Research and Advocacy, Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), India

Frank De Clerck, Professor in Mathematics, Ghent University ( Belgium )

Lawrence Davidson, Professor of History, West Chester University, USA

Dr. James Dickins, lecturer in Arabic, University of Durham, UK

Bruno de Meulder, university professor, TU Eindhoven/Netherlands

Ada Donno, president of WILPF Italy

Nanette Danckaarts - financial manager, producer and filmmaker, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Dr. Bert De Belder, Coordinator, intal/Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium

Alain de Benoist, Ecrivain, philosophe (Paris)

Ortwin de Graef, English Literature and Literary Theory, KUL, Belgium

Richard B. Du Boff , Professor of Economics Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College

Ozlem Dalkiran, Istanbul, Turkey, director

Barbara Delcourt, Professeure-assistante, Institut d'études européennes, Faculté des sciences sociales, politiques et économiques, ULB, Belgium

Prof. Ernesto Dedo', Dipartimento di Matematica, "Francesco Brioschi", Politecnico di Milano

Ivan Dhondt, lecturer Rits, Erasmushogeschool Brussels, researcher VUB

Eric David, Centre de droit international, ULB, Belgium

Maria Rosaria Damasso, doctor, Italy, Milan

Robert Dunne , USA , Professor of English, Central Connecticut State University

Marc Estrin, author, USA

Harry A Eggink, USA , Architect –Professor

Eric Entemann, professor, USA

Dina Ezzat, Egypt, journalist

Nomi Erteschik-Shir, linguist, Israel

Juno Sylva Englander, President Global Mothers Initiative für Umwelt und Frieden, Wien

Astrid Essed, journalist, The Netherlands, Amnesty International and ''Stop the Occupation'' of Ms. Gretta Duisenberg

Mustafa Elemara, Executive Director, Arabic Centre for Career Development, UK

Fritz Edlinger, Secretary General of Society for Austro-Arab Relations, Vienna/Austria

Maria Luiza Franco, Jornalista, Rio de Janeiro-Brasil

Shingo Francis, USA, Artist

James H. Fetzer, Professor of Philosophy , USA

Anabela Fino, jornalista, Portugal

Dr. Lucy H. Ford, Sr. Lecturer in International Relations, Dep. of Politics and International Relations, School of Social Sciences and Law, Oxford

Ramón Fernandez , Archeologue, Espagne

Omar Faris , Poland / Palestine , Polish-Arabic Culture Ass.

Jeanne Feder, USA, writer, JFP Communications

James A. Fujii, Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture, University of California , USA

James C. Faris, Director Emeritus, University of Connecticut Program in Middle Eastern Languages and Area Studies.

Diana Francis (Dr.), Author, UK

Nicole Fondeneige, Professeur, Bruxelles – Belgique

Jane Franklin, Historian, New Jersey, USA

Agata Ferenc , Poland , anthropologer

Donald Gaudard, Professor of Law Emeritus , USA

Maria Gilardin, founder of TUC Radio , USA

Anne Gibbons, Artist, USA

Jody P. Garthwaite, Policy Specialist & Communications Coordinator Pain & Policy Studies Group, University of Wisconsin

Cy Grant, actor/artist, UK

Elisabeth Gardiner, USA, scientist

luc guérard, artist, Canada

Ketil Grøtting , Norway , Conductor, Musician

Philip Gasper, Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, California, USA

Phyllis Ann Good, USA , Artist and Peace Activist

Hermann Glaser - Baur, journalist, Dungiven, N. Ireland

Pierre Gillis, physicien, professeur à l'Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium

Rachel Giora, Professor of Linguistics, Tel Aviv University

Zahia Gonon, Juriste, Droit International Public, co-présidente CRI pour l'IRAQ

Philippe D. Grosjean, Membre du conseil d'administration des Amis du Monde diplomatique-Belgique

Professor Sherna Berger Gluck, USA

Stephen Gowans, Writer, Canada

Victor Grossman, writer, New York and Berlin

Dr. Daniele Ganser, Senior Researcher, Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH, Switzerland

Rosa García, México, member and founder of of the organization "Not in Our Name México"

Ann Garrett, Visiting Performing Arts and Media Lecturer at Greenwich University, Secretary of Bromley and Beckenham CND and Convenor of Bromley Peace Council, UK

Yuta Harago, Japan, Associate Professor Meiji Gakuin University

Abdul Hameed , Iraq , Teacher

Hayashi Hirfoumi, Japan, Professor University of Yokohama

Stephanie Hiller, publisher/editor, Awakened Woman e-Magazine, The magazine for a foreseeable future!, USA

Kanichi Hidemura, Japan, Associate Professor Kyoto Women's University

Mary Hamilton, writer, Wisconsin , USA

Nina-Huang, Specialist, International Affairs Department of Peacetime Foundation , Taiwan

Richard Hindes, England, Nottingham Student Peace Movement

Ursula Hawlitschka, Ph.D., Art Historian, New York

Kerry Hart, author, U.S.A.

Karine Hérion, professor, Brussels, Belgium

Hideyuki Hirakawa, Japan , associate prof of science studies

Ria Hills, artist, USA

James Holstun, Professor of English, SUNY Buffalo

Lydia Howell, USA, Journalist, KFAI Radio

Adrienne Carey Hurley, Stanford Institute for International Studies, USA

Jos Hennes, Uitgeverij EPO Publishers, Belgium

Pol Hoste , writer, Belgium

Rev T. Ronald Haney, priest, poet, novelist and editor

Ted Honderich, Grote Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic, University College London

Michael Harris, Professor of Mathematics, Universite Paris 7

Professor Martin Haspelmath, Max-Planck-Institut fuer evolutionaere Anthropologie, Leipzig , Germany

Fredrik S. Heffermehl, Hon. President, Norwegian Peace Alliance, Vice President, International Peace Bureau

Marta Harnecker, escritora chilena

Klaus Hartmann, Offenbach (Germany), Chairman of German Freethinkers Association, Vice-President of World Union of Freethinkers

John Harte, Professor of Energy and Resources, UC Berkeley, USA

Michael J. Huft, Attorney, Glenview, Illinois, USA

Scheherazade Hassan, Ethnomusicologist, Fellow of the Berlin Institute for Advanced Studies

Rev. James Hornsby, licsw, MA, USA

Hideo Iwasa, Japan, lawyer, japan lawyers association for freedom

James Iffland, Professor, Boston University

Zafar Iqbal, Associate Professor, NU-FAST, Lahore, Pakistan

Ron Jacobs, writer and library worker, Vermont, USA

Rebecca Jennison, Japan, Professor Kyoto Seika University

Adam Johannes, UK, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition

John Jefferies, Journalist, Cork, Ireland

Estelle Jelinek, writer, Berkeley, CA, USA

Karine Jansegers, ABVV /FGTB, Trade Union, Département International, Belgium

Piet Joostens, writer and editor of the literary journal Yang, Brussels , Belgium

Rania Jawad, Graduate Student, New York City

Ewa Jasiewicz, Journalist, London

Kobayashi Kunihiko , Japan, Professor Nagoya University

Ohga Kouichi, Japan , Lawyer (Attorny at Law), Japan Lawyers Association for Freedom

Leah Kidwell, USA , educator specializing in conflict management

Masakazu Kitanaka, Japan, journalist

Yamano Keiko , Japan , TV Director

Shihoko Kato, Japan, Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center

Sugioka Kotoku , Japan, Author

Mujeeb R. Khan, Dept. of Political Science, University of California-Berkeley

Dr. Graciela Karmon, Child Psychiatrist Physicians For Human Rights, Israel

David Kuehn, musician, USA

Mr. C. Isa Kocher, educator, Fulbright Fellow, artist, writer, Dean- Socrates Foundation, USA

Dr. Mary Keller, Ph. D., Adjunct, Religious Studies Program, University of Wyoming , USA

Tomis Kapitan, Professor of Philosophy, Northern Illinois University , USA

Margaret A. Kane, Esq., Attorney USA

Jerzy Kochan , Poland , philosopher, professor

Steve Krevisky, Professor of Mathematics, Middlesex Community College , USA . Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges

Susan Koger, Ph.D., Professor Willamette University , Salem , USA

Assaf Kfoury, Professor Boston University , USA

Davy King, writer, UK

Christel Kvant, writer, Sweden

Megumi Karube, Japan, painter

Lester Kurtz, Professor of Sociology, University of Texas

Suzy T. Kane, writer, El Prado , NM, USA

Akio Kikai, Japan, philosopher

Seth Kahn, English Professor, USA, Rhetoricians for Peace

Edward Kindermann, USA, College Professor

Yeonghwan Kim , Korea , Peace Museum The Grassroots House, Kochi , Japan

Aneta Krzemien , Poland , art historian

Todd Lavoie, USA , writer

David Lorimer, author, UK

María Yépez Lasso, Professor, Quito-Ecuador

Michel Leclerc, Brussel, bedrijfsadviseur, dichter, iranist

Sam Lacey, Musician, Mount Desert, Maine

Richard B. Lee, Professor of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada

Fred Louckx, Professor of Sociology, VUB, Brussels

G. R. Lalumia, writer, USA

David Lyons, Professor of Law & of Philosophy, Boston University , USA

Peter R. Lewis, MD, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Penn State College of Medicine , USA

Yael Lotan, writer, Israel

Ibrahim letaief, Film director, Tunesia

Jean Marie Lecuire, Professeur université de Metz, France

Dr. José Lages, Theoretical Physicist, Université de Toulouse, France

Yitzhak Laor, Tel Aviv, writer

Frank Land, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics

Annie Lacroix-Riz, professeur d’histoire contemporaine à l’université Paris 7

Barbara Lubin, Executive Director Middle East Children's Alliance , USA

Neil Leach, Architect and Theorist, Cambridge , UK

makiko matsumoto, japan, Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center

Dr. Judith Martin, SSJ, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Executive Director, Ohio Valley Committee on US-Arab Relations

Yolande Mousseau-Gershman, Consultant in Health Services, Egypt

Haruko Moritaki , Japan , NO DU Hiroshima Project

Ali Abdel Moniem Mansour, Egypt, Editor

William Mann, USA, Actor

Kudo Masahiro, Japan, novelist

Darlene Morton, college professor, Canada

A. Murray, USA., Writer

Fawzy Mansour, Professor of Political Economy, Ain Shams University , Cairo , Egypt

Juan Masia, Spain , Catholic theologian, University of Comillas

curtis Maynard, usa , Historian, University Idaho

Dr. Richard Marsden, Centre for Integrated Studies, Athabasca University

Saleh Mamon, U.K. , Sutton for Peace and Justice

Howard Meyers, USA, Film/Television Writer

Jan Maenhout, Prof. Architect and Urbanist, Brussels, Belgium

Catherine Montondo, scriptwriter, film director, Belgium

Barbara Murdoch, writer, British Columbia, Canada

Jaroslaw Milewczyk, Poland, Journalist

Ruchama Marton M.D., Founder & president Public Health Research Institute, USA

W. Robynne McWayne,M.D., USA, anesthesiologist, author

José Luis Moragues, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France

Moeglin Colette, Directrice de Recherches CNRS, Paris

Flavio Manieri, Prof. of Educational Psychology, Psychoanalyst, Dir. of Laboratory of the Formation Clinics, Università di Roma Tre

Dr. Dirk Martin, historian, SOMA Centre for the study of War and contemporary Society , Belgium

Bella Mody, Professor, USA

Magdalena Mosiewicz , Poland , co-president of Green Party "Zieloni 2004"

Dr. Shane Mulligan, University of Victoria , Canada

Martin Melkonian, Professor,USA

Ali Mili, Professor, Newark NJ (USA)

Dr. Anat Matar, Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University, Israel .

Colette Moulaert, MD, Medical Aid for the Third World

Dr. Glen T. Martin, Secretary-General, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA), USA

Paul Mendes-Flohr, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem /The University of Chicago

Narmi Joanna Michejda, Poland, biochemist, philosoph, website author

Martha Mundy, Reader in Anthropology, London School of Economics , UK

Michael Mandel, Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto , CANADA

Grigor McClelland, professor of business administration, Newcastle upon Tyne , UK

Terri MacKenzie, educator, USA , Society of the Holy Child Jesus

Francis McCollum Feeley, Professor of American Studies, Director of Research, Université Grenoble 3 France

Akira Maeda, Professor of Tokyo Zokei University , Japan

Hisashi Mitani , Japan , Prof. of theoretical physics, Fukuoka University of Education

Paola Manduca, Genetics Professor, Italy

Biju Mathew, Professor, USA

W. Robynne McWayne, M.D., writer, Olympia , Washington , USA

Stefan Maul, professor of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, University of Heidelberg , Germany

Takafumi Nakanishi, Japan, novelist

Teruo Naka , Japan , writer

Toshio Nagasawa , Japan , Editor, Word of Life Press

Ng Sauw Tjhoi, Journalist, Belgium

Don Nash, poet/writer, USA , Desert Foundation for Peace

sawa nanao, Japan , writer

Djamel Noune, Journaliste caricaturiste, Algeria

Sérgio Nazar David - Professor / Writer – Brazil

Saugata Mukherji, Retired Professor and Dean, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata , India

Ismail Ibrahim Nawwab, Retired university professor, Saudi Arabia

Christopher Norris, Professor of Philosophy, Cardiff University, Wales UK

Patricia Neary, Citizens for an Informed Community , United States

Kiilu Nyasha, Journalist, San Francisco

MIchio Ohno, Japan, Tokyo Area Fellowship of Mennonite Churches

Carl Olsen, Canada, writer

Ootomi Akira, Japan, editor, Chechennews

Henk Oosterling, professor of philosophy, Rotterdam Netherlands

Rosemary Oetojo, Australia, Lecturer, Politics of International Law Macquarie University

Jacquie O'Brian, USA, Healer, Filmmaker

Dr. Koenig Otto , Austria , university professor, university of graz/austria

Daniela Peluso, Anthropologist, Canterbury , UK

Cecile Pineda, American novelist, Oakland , California

Luc Pien, filmmaker, Belgium

Ana Prata, Law professor, Lisbon, Portugal

Graham I.K.Pollock university lecturer, United Kindom

Csaba Polony, USA, artist/writer/editor, Left Curve Publications

Joseph Parko, professor emeritus, Georgia State University, Atlanta , GA USA

Jean Pestieau, Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Jeanne Posner, Professor, USA

Pierre Piérart, Prof., 'Comité Surveillance OTAN', Belgium

John L. Powell, USA, Citizens for a Legitimate Government

Richard S. Pressman, Ph.D., Professor of English, St. Mary's University, San Antonio , USA

Albertino Pinto, professor, Portugal

Leo Parascondola, Lehman College , City University of New York , USA

Vincent D. Puma, Ph.D., Professor, English, Florida, USA

Arthur B. Powell, professor of mathematics and mathematics education, USA

Dr Padma Prakash, Sociologist, Academic Journalist, Mumbai, India

Jacques Pauwels, (Historian, author of The Myth of the Good War , Canada )

Anne Provoost, author, Belgium

Leo Platvoet, Eerste Kamerlid/Senator, The Netherlands

Paola Pisi, redazione Uruknet.info , Italy

Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, Prof. of Public Law, Hamburg University of Economics and Politics

David Peterson, Writer and Researcher, Chicago , USA

John Price, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Victoria , Canada

Murat Paker, Ph.D., M.D., clinical psychologist; Peace Initiative/Turkey (USA); New York , USA

Pierre Py, Dictionnaire Historique de la Suisse

Janine Tillmann Py, Switserland

Johanne Poirier, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Public Law, ULB, Belgium

Trevor Parfitt, UK , University lecturer, American University in Cairo

Bill Quigley, Professor of Law, Loyola University New Orleans , Louisiana US

Syksy Rasanen , United Kingdom , Physicist

Abdulwahab H. Rashid, Ph.D.Econ., Cairo Univ. ,1980, Sweden

Gabriel Perez Rendon, Mexico, Doctor, member and founder of the organization "Not in Our Name México"

Sally Redondo , Great Britain, World Alliance of Reformed Churches

Marcelo Porto Rodrigues - Auditor – Brasil

Andrew Richards, Australia , Musician

Rebecca Romani, USA , KUSI-TV, Zazouproductions

Vincent Rivasseau, Professor of Physics, Universite Paris-Sud XI

Antonio Maira Rodríguez, Redactor revista digital, España

Robert Rivard , Canada , Artist

Wanda Regina Rodrigues, Professora de História, Brasil

Peter Rozing , USA , writer

Michael Randle, Peace researcher, Bradford , West Yorkshire, England

K. Rudin - artist, documentary video-journalist, USA

Rosemary Ryan, PhD, research Associate Professor, University of Washington , Seattle , WA , USA

Virginia Chieffo Raguin, Art Historian, Massachusetts , U.S.A

Ron Robinson, Painter, USA , We The People Foundation

Hilary Rose, Emerita Professor, University of Bradford UK

Carl Rosenberg, Editor, Canada

Hans-Peter Richter, German Peace Council

S. Ramasesha, Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Mary Ratcliff, Editor, San Francisco Bay View newspaper

Ben Ammar Raouf, President, Bruxelles capitale Mondiale de la Paix

Lynn J. Rozanski, United States of America , Chemist

Jorge Roseman, Panama , musician

Bridget Reiss, film editor, Hertfordshire , UK

Erik Swyngedouw, prof. social geography, Oxford

Ur Shlonsky, Professor Geneva, Switzerland

Emir Sader, author, Brasil

Aletha Stahl, Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies, US

Mary M. Schmidt, Poet/lay caregiver, USA

Masashi Shimakawa , Japan , Prof. of History

takuo shibasak, japan, writer

Keiko Sugawara, Japan , editorial writer

George Salzman, Prof Emeritus of Physics, Univ of Massachusetts , Boston , USA

George C. Shaw, USA, retired professor of history and political science

Karine Ancellin Saleck, journalist, Belgium

Sandra Shattuck, professor, U.S.A., Rhetoricians for Peace

Prof. Dr. Gregor Schirmer, Jurist, Deutschland

Richard Steele, United States, Film Editor

Gar Smith, Editor Emeritus, Earth Island Journal, Co-founder, Environmentalists Against War

Jua Shiladner, artist, Canada

Amy Schrager Lang, Professor, Syracuse University , Syracuse , New York , USA

Farah M Shroff, public health scientist, Canada

Malini Johar Schueller, Professor,Department of English, University of Florida , USA

Sandhya Srinivasan, Journalist, Mumbai, India

Edward H. Shaffer, PhD, Professor Emeritus-Economics, University of Alberta , Vancouver , BC , Canada

Patrick Sandefur - U.S.A. , Filmmaker, North Carolina School of the Arts

Prof. Constance R. Sutton, Department of Anthropology, New York University , USA

Linda Sperling, Staff Representative, Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC, Vancouver , Canada

Adam Sitze, English Department, Syracuse University , USA

Prof. Néstor A. Suleiman, Presidente Centro Cultural Argentino Iraquí

Sid Shniad, Trade union research director, Canada

Hari D. Sharma, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada .

Jerzy Szygiel , Poland , journalist, RSF (Reporters Without Borders) Poland

R L Snowdon, retired Head of Education Faculty, Newcastle Upon Tyne Polytechnic , United Kingdom

Prof. Jan Schreurs, Departement ASRO, KULeuven

Frank Stappaerts, prof. Humanism, Belgium

Magdy Said, Editor & Writer, Egypt

Prof. Fran Shor, Interdisciplinary Studies, Wayne State University, Detroit , Michigan

Prof. Vicky Steinitz, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Yiannis Sifakakis, coordinator Stop the War Coalition, Greece

Muge Sokmen, editor, Istanbul

Robert L. Rabin Siegal, Director, Vieques Historic Archives, Director, Fort Count Mirasol Museum, Institute of Puerto Rican Culture

Peter Snowdon, Filmmaker, UK

Dr Sabina Sawhney, Associate Prof. NY, USA

Dr. Thijl Sunier, Senior lecturer in Anthropology, University of Amsterdam

Jean Salmon, Professeur émérite Université libre de Bruxelles

Usaburo Satoh , Thailand , Fashion Designer

Annick Stevens , Belgium , Prof. of philosophy

Seymour Schuster, Professor of Mathematics, Northfield , Minnesota , USA

Peter Dale Scott, author, Drugs, Oil, and War; Berkeley, California, USA

Dr. Yvonne Schmidt, Austria, Lecturer Karl-Franzens-University of Graz

Michael Schwalbe, professor of sociology, North Carolina State University , USA

Mariam C Said, Banker, New York, NY, USA

Annemie Schaus, Chargée de cours, Directrice du Centre de droit public, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de droit, Belgium

Madiha Tahir, student and activist, USA

Deanne Thompson, copy editor, Sebastopol , CA , USA

Masataka Takemori, Japan, Professor Gifu University

Dorothy Tennov, writer and independent researcher, United States

Holger Terp, Webmaster and editor of the Danish Peace Academy

Ward Treunen, tv-maker, Belgium

Meredeth Turshen, D.Phil., Professor, E.J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy, Rutgers University , USA

Dr James B Thring, Executive Member Architects & Engineers for Social Responsibility, Secretary, Ministry of Peace, former President Legal Action Against War, Convenor Planning for Peace, Member World Constitution & Parliament Association

Dr. Michael D. True, International Peace Research Association Foundation , USA

dr Marin Terpstra, Department of Philosophy, University of Nijmegen , Netherlands

Yoshiko Tsukui, Japan, Amnesty International Japan section

Dr.Phil. Susanne Thorbek, professor, Denmark

Yasushi Uchiyamada, Japan, prof. of anthropology

Edvino Ugolini, poet, Italy, Artists against wars

Joao M. Vargas, portuguese army officer retired

Andrea Velasquez Kessler , USA , Film producer and editor

Prof. Dr. Jacques Vilrokx, VUB, TESA – Department of Social Research

Brian Vatteroth, Belgium, moreel consulent, Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen

Marie-Noëlle Provost Vallet, Maitre de Conférences Caen University ( English, Dpt of Applied Langages)

Steven C. Ventura, Researcher/Editor, USA

Jan Verheyden, SMaR-OSSS, Office for the Study of Social Space, Brussels , Belgium

Vivian Valderrama, Policy Analyst, Ottawa , Canada

Beverly R. Voloshin, Professor of English, U.S.A.

Eddie Val Gould, actor, director, producer, USA

Jean Toschi M. Visconti, journalist, Milan, Italy

Monika b. van Paemel, author, Belgium

Roemer van Toorn, Head PhD and Projective Theory & History, Berlage Institute postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture and urbanism Rotterdam

Marc Van den Bossche, Professor of Philosophy, Brussels

Frank Vercruyssen, actor, Belgium

Hans Vermeulen, emeritus professor ethnic studies, University of Amsterdam

Kamala Visweswaran, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Sejo Vieira, artist peintre, France

Ian Vine, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Psychology, Dept.Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Bradford , England

Marieke Van Coppenolle, For Mother Earth - member of Friends of the Earth, Belgium

Jan Walgrave, honorary director of the Antwerp Province Museums, Belgium

William Wyttenbach MD, America, Governor Republic State of Texas

Ann Werner Johnson, Author, USA

Marcia Witrogen, Winnetka California, educator/healer/artist

Glenn Weisfeld, PhD, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit , USA

Dr. Viktoria Waltz, Docent, Germany

Marie Winn, Writer, New York

Robert Ware, Professor Emeritus in Philosophy, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Richard J. Walton, writer-teacher-activist, Warwick , Rhode Island , USA

Niro Yanagihara , Japan, Professor-Emeritus, Chiba University

Anthony Joseph Geha Yuja, Retired Pharmaceutical Executive, Florence , Italy

Liang, Yu-Kang, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Chinese Culture University , Taiwan

Dr. Riffat Moazam Zaman, Associate Professor, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan

Faith T. Zeadey, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Worcester State College, USA

Dr. Abraham Mendoza Zenteno, Jefe de la Unidad Departamental de Capacitación y Desarrollo de Personal, Delegación Tlalpan; Gobierno del D.F.

Said Zulficar, Network for Colonial Freedom, Vice-President, Patrimoine sans Frontières, France

William M. Zellman, USA, Attorney, Peace Action Wisconsin

Marco Zannetti, Professor of Physics, Italy

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