Syria News - October 17, 2014
October 17, 2014 - By the end of Friday, LCC has documented the fall of 66 martyrs including 8 children, 6 women and 4 martyrs under torture. 29 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs, 9 in Idlib, 9 in Aleppo, 7 in Daraa, 5 in Deir Ezzor, 3 in Hasaka, 2 in Hama and 2 others in Homs...
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Syria News - October 17, 2014
Local Coordination Committees of Syria
October 17, 2014
Douma: Residents retrieving wounded after third airstrike
Douma: Aftermath of airstrikes
Douma: Martyrs from airstrike massacre, incl 4 children, prepared for burial
Douma: Ziad Yassin al-Dura is identified by another child before burial
Douma: Reham Asheri is identified before burial
Douma: Treating many wounded children and adults after airstrikes
Douma : airstrikes on the city.
Douma : 3rd airstrikes on the city.
Zamalka: Regime forces targeted the city with surface-to-surface missile.
Shelling on Om Mayazen town
Aftermath of the airstrike on Om Mayazen town
Hayyan: 2 Martars and a number of wounded were reported due to the airstrikes that targeted the town.
Bustan Al-Basha neighborhood: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the town.
Handrat: Clashes between opposition forces and regime security forces.
Shelling on Saraqib
Airstrike on Saraqib
By the end of Friday, LCC has documented the fall of 66 martyrs including 8 children, 6 women and 4 martyrs under torture. 29 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs, 9 in Idlib, 9 in Aleppo, 7 in Daraa, 5 in Deir Ezzor, 3 in Hasaka, 2 in Hama and 2 others in Homs.
Douma: Martyr reported by regime's gunfire at Wafiden Camp.
Douma : Warplanes launched several airstrikes on the city.
Douma: Martyhrs reported due to airstrikes: girl child, Ziad Al Othman Yassin Al-Durra, Dalia Yassin Al-Durra, Ahmed sriol, said Jamal elsalek, Muhammad Ameen, Mohammad Nasser Al-Sheikh, Mohammed Shaikh, Mohammed Adib, Muslim maita, Yasser Al-Durra, Mahmud Adam, Thaer Rajab, Riham Al-shoghari, and four unidentified persons caused by the air raids in the city Damascus Suburbs: Douma: Child Reham Al-Durra, child Ziyad Yassin Al-Durra, Dalya Yasin Al-Durra, Ahmad Saryoul, Saed Jamal Al-Sleq, Mohmmad Amin Amin, Mohmmad Naser Al-Shekh, Mohmmad Al-Shekh, Mohmmad Adib, Muslim Me'eta, Yaser Al-Durra, Mahmoud Adam, Thaer Rajab, Reham Al-Sheghri and 4 unidentified persons.
Erbein: Fall of several Surface-to-Surface missiels on the town's outskirts.
Sqba: Mnsour Saed Doumani and Mutaz Jihad Harhash were martyred by airstrike on the town.
Zabadany: Heliopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on the city.
Zamalka: Regime forces targeted the city with surface-to-surface missile.
Zebdin: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the town(Muhammad Shlbakh was martyred was martyred).
Zebdin: Warplanes launch 4 airstrikes on the town's outskirts, vicinity and farmlands.
Al-Msifra town: Helicopters targeted Al-Msifra town with explosive barrels.
Atman: Helicopters dropped 4 explosive barrels on the town.
Atman: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the town.
Atman & Yadoda towns: Renewed artillery shelling by regime forces targets Yadouda and Atman towns.
Daraa Al-Balad's neighborhood: Shelling with heavy artillery and mortar shells from Artillery Battalion targets Daraa Al-Balad's neighborhoods.
Deir Adas: Fierce artillery shelling by regime forces targeted the town.
Erben: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the city.
Hmouryeh: Wounded were reported by shelling with mortar shells on the city.
Ibtta': Wounded were reported by mortar shelling on the town.
Ibta': Warplanes targeted the town with explosive barrels.
Jasim: Usama Yousif Al-Hilm was martyred under torture in regime's prisons.
Jezah: Fierce artillery shelling targeted the town.
Jiza: Cluster bombs shelling targets the town.
Nsib: Fierce tanks shelling targets the plains surrounding of the town.
Nsib: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the town.
Om Mayazen town: Warplanes launched 3 airstrikes on Om Al-Mayazen town.
Om Al-Mayathen: Warplanes launched the 17 airstrike on the town.
Om AlMayathin: The regime's warplanes launched an air strike at the town.
Shykh Misken: Helicopter dropped an explosive barrel on the south neighborhood in the town.
Taiba: Rocket launchers shelling by regime forces targets the town.
Taiba: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the town.
Taybeh: Fierce artillery shelling targets the town.
Yadoda: Fierce artillery shelling targets the town from Moftera checkpoints.
Um Al-Mayathen: Regime's warplanes launched an airstrike on the town.
Al-Hrak: Umran Mmdouh Al-Hreri was martytred in clashes with regime forces at Um Al-Myathen's checkpoint.
Mleiha Gharbia: Mohmmad Ali Al-Hraki was martyred due to clashes with regime forces at Om Al-Mayathen town's checkpoint.
Nseb: Muhammad Anor Al-Sharef was martyred due to clashes with regime forces.
Taiba: Yahya Ibrahim Al-Issa was martyred due to clashes with regime forces From Jisr AL-Shoghour Taiba.
Ein Arab: International alliance air combats launched an airstrike on the town.
Bayyanoun: Shelling with rockets and heavy machine guns by warplanes targets the city.
Bustan Al-Basha neighborhood: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the town.
Hayyan: 2 Martars and a number of wounded were reported due to the airstrikes that targeted the town.
Handrat: Clashes between opposition forces and regime security forces.
Sefat village: Fierce clashes between FSA and the regime's forces in Sefat village.
Shekh Eisa: Zkour Abdullah al-Deibou was martyred in clashes with regime forces.
Tal Rifat: Anwar Husein Aboud was martyred in clashes with regime forces.
Tal Rifat: Ali Ahmad Qays was martyred in clashes with regime forces.
The International Alliance air combats launched many airstrikes that targeted Oil fields near Konoco Factory in Khsham town and Theban and Taiyaneh towns.
Wounded were reported after the International Alliance air combats had launched airstrikes on Khsham town in the eastern countryside.
A number of martyrs(Adnan Al-Eid, from Khsham town, and Hamza Hamoud Al-Ghazi were martyred)were reported due to the airstrikes launched by the International Alliance air combats on towns and villages in the eastern countryside.
The International Alliance air combats launched several airstrikes that targeted oil fields in Boqrous, Taiyana and Jourthi Sharqi towns and in Jded Akedat and Hreja villages in the eastern countryside.
Hwiaja Sakr village: Warplanes launched several airstrikes on Hwiaja Sakr village.
Mohasan: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the city.
3 Martyrs were reported due to clashes with regime forces in Hwiaja Saker area .
Shdadi: The international alliance's air combats launched several airstrikes on the town
Shdadi:Salih Ahmad Al-Nasir, Raed Mouhamad Al-Eid and child Lyth Khlaf Al-Mshyh were martyred in The international alliance's air combats's airstrikes on the town.
Talbiseh: Maher Ahmad Kheza'e was martyred due to siege and lack of medical drugs in the city.
Al Waer:Fall of Surface-to Surface missile on Waer neighborhood.
Al Waer: Dozens of wounded were reported by targeting Waer neighborhood with Surface-to-Surface missiles.
Rastan: Helicopters targeted the city with explosive barrels.
Sekhneh: Faysal Ibrahim Al-Hamida was martyred of his wounds due to the airstrike that targeted Jazl west of Palmyra
Al-Rami; Artillery shelling targeted the town.
Between Khan Sheikhoun and Habit: Shelling with heavy machine guns by warplanes targets the road between Khan Sheikoun-Habit.
Kafroma: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the city.
Kafroma and Has towns: Warplanes launched 4 airstrikes on Kafroma and Has towns.
Kafr Sajna: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the city.
Khan Sheikoun: Warplanes launches an airstrike on the farmlands in the southern side of the city.
Khan Subl: Martyrs and wounded were reported due to explosive barrels shelling on the city.
Marret Nouman: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the city.
Saraqib: Helicopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on the city.
Saraqib: Helicopters dropped the third explosive barrels on the city.
Saraqib Warplanes launches 2 airstrikes on the town.
Tamanah: Helicopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on the town.
Jarjnaz: Hamdo Muhammad Saed Al-Khatab was martyred due to clashes with regime forces in Morek, Hama.
Kafrein town: Warplanes launched an airstrike on Kafrein town.
Deir Mhardeh checkpoint:FSA targets Deir Mhardeh checkpoint with Grade missiles.
Morek: Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces at the 8th point of the city.
The International Alliance air combats launch 12 airstrikes on 93rd Brigade in Ain Issa town in Raqqa northern countryside.
:: Article nr. 110279 sent on 07-dec-2014 04:28 ECT
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